Git, Agile, and CD: universally better together
High performing teams practice Agile, CD, and use a DVCS (like Git) but only 49% of all teams use all 3 software development trends together. Provide some details on your current process below and see how you compare to others in your industry.

Whoa, team ** made it all the way to Planet Nine! Check out how to go even further, like the Andromeda galaxy.
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

X% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

X% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

X% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.

Congratulations, your team made it to Neptune! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

X% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

X% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

X% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.

Congratulations, your team made it to Tritan, Neptune's biggest moon! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size have migrated to a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is how Git benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.

Congratulations, your team made it to Ganymede, Jupiter's biggest moon! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size have migrated to a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is how Git benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.

Congratulations, your team made it to Titan, Saturn's biggest moon! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

XX% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

XX% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

XX% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.

Congratulations, your team made it to Oberon, Uranus' biggest moon! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size have migrated to a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is how Git benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.

Congratulations, your team made it to Pluto! Yes, it's still out there. However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

XX% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

XX% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

XX% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.

Congratulations, your team made it to Mercury! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours have migrated to a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is howGit benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. Looks like you are already spinning up test environments to make your life more efficient. Here's how to get the most out of your Docker container with this deep dive into Docker Clusters.

Congratulations, your team made it to Uranus! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

XX% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

XX% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

XX% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.

Congratulations, your team made it to Deimos, Mars' biggest moon! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

XX% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

XX% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

XX% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.

Congratulations, your team made it to Jupiter! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size have migrated to a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is how Git benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.

Congratulations, your team made it to the moon! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size have migrated to a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is how Git benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Here's an inside look at agile teams that release often. Teams attributes include:
- ~30 issues / sprint
- 10 day average sprint length
- 15 days between releases
- Say goodbye to a case of the Mondays. Mondays are the most popular release day.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.

Congratulations, your team made it to Venus! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there too:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

XX% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

XX% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

XX% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.

Congratulations, your team made it to Mars! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size have migrated a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is how Git benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.

Congratulations, your team made it to Saturn! However, others in your industry are taking off to Planet Nine. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error.
46% of teams think their competitors have already adopted continuous delivery, furthering the increase in usage.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

XX% have a branching strategy in place. Learn more about branching strategies and how these everyday workflows improve the quality of your code.

XX% said a pull request waits 4 hrs to be reviewed. Pull Requests (PR) are created as a form of code review to notify team members that a feature has been completed and is ready to be reviewed before merging to the main branch. They create a dedicated forum for teams to discuss proposed changes, keeping the team connected and code clean. Check out how your team can benefit from using pull requests.

XX% enforce an approval policy, helping ensure clean and production-ready code.

Congratulations, you've made it to Florida. Beautiful place to watch the rockets launch. However, others in your industry are taking off to Neptune. Here's how to get you there:
X% of teams in your industry and of similar dev org size practice agile
Teams are moving in droves to adopt agile practices and we think its about time you get in on this software development trend. Let's start with the basis of what makes agile give your team a leg up on productivity.
X% of teams like yours use a DVCS (like Git)

But why? What most organizations don't realize is how Git benefits each aspect of your organization, from your development team to your marketing team, and everything in between. Curious how migrating your team to Git can result in a faster release cycle and also impact your organization's bottom line? Learn Git.
X% of teams like yours practice continuous delivery

Teams that practice Continuous Delivery make rapid changes and reduce the risk of error. Agile isn't agile without continuous delivery.
X% of teams like yours use containers

Man, containers are so hot right now. If you're not familiar with containers, teams use them to spin up test environments to make their lives more efficient. With a container, you can define an image that includes everything needed to run an application or service and use that image to make new copies whenever you need to scale, or simply share it with others. Here is a great intro to containers.
Infographic sources
We collected data from surveys, customers sites and published research.
- Customer survey - report
- Bitbucket cloud customer sites - repositories with >1 team member that have been active within the past 30 days