task use case

Visualize your ideas with a concept map maker

Keep your team’s ideas flowing and organized with a concept map maker from Confluence. 

Concept map template

Get started with a free concept map template.

Create dynamic concept maps

Confluence offers several dynamic concept mapping tools to help you organize your projects, decision-making processes, and knowledge base effectively. It provides everything you need to learn how to make a concept map quickly and efficiently.

User-friendly interface

User-friendly interface

Confluence whiteboards make creating and editing a concept map quick and intuitive. 

  • Drag-and-drop functionality lets you simply drag and link the concepts you create to form relationships.
  • A variety of color themes allow you to tailor concept and relationship link displays according to your preferences. Customization options help keep your map organized and visually appealing.
  • Flexible editing tools, such as link arrow adjustability, concept resizing, and movability, ensure your concept map is easy to manage and keep up-to-date.
Collaborate with team members

Collaborate with team members

Concept maps enable smooth team collaboration so everyone can contribute to and utilize a shared map. 

  • Easily visualize relationships between concepts. Anyone can add or modify concept shapes, links, and text to create a shared model of the topic.
  • A visual approach ensures your team is on the same page, able to spot information gaps and identify areas needing clarification or more research.
  • Team members can simultaneously access and edit an interactive concept map. Updates are automatically saved and visible to everyone, so progress is never lost, and the concept map reflects the team's current understanding.
Integrate with other tools

Integrate with other tools

Concept maps integrate easily with other applications so teams can connect workstreams. 

  • Connect your concept map to other tools through Application Programming Interface (API) features or by exporting it.   
  • Export your map as an image file to embed in documents, presentations, or websites. You can also export it as a JSON file to integrate it programmatically.
  • You can create, read, update, and delete concept maps and their elements directly from your applications using an API. This enables seamless two-way syncing between your preferred tools.

Choose from free concept map templates

Confluence offers a variety of templates for every kind of team and project, making it easy to create dynamic concept maps.

Check box icon


A flowchart template makes it easy to visualize project processes and identify opportunities for improvement.

Mind map icon

Mind map

A mind map template organizes thoughts using diagrams, colors, and images. 

Brainwriting icon


A brainwriting template offers an inclusive framework for brainstorming sessions, helping teams generate innovative ideas and solutions.

Dlaczego warto wybrać Confluence?

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Organization that scales

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Powerful integrations

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