Share more knowledge with Q&A
It's harder than it should be to get answers to your questions at work. Give people a way to ask questions within their teams or of anyone in the entire organization.

Ask questions
When you can't find the information you need to get work done, it's easy to ask.
Crowdsource answers
Harness the power of the crowd to find answers you need quickly – the best answers rise to the top through voting.
Find information
Stop asking the same questions - the collective knowledge of your whole organization is at your fingertips. Whether it's in a page, blog or a question, you can find it in Confluence.
Identify experts
You'll be surprised at how people will participate to earn points and climb the leaderboard. Top contributors achieve expert status.

Organize by topic
Topics keep questions organized and easy to find. You can browse and follow topics of interest to learn more, and find subject matter experts within your organization.
Questions live next to your work in Confluence
The questions and answers you care about live alongside the Confluence pages that matter to you so everything topical is in one place. Let the community determine knowledge gaps and fill them with Q&A.