
Automatic product discovery in Atlassian Access

Automatic Product Discovery illustration

What is automatic product discovery?

Admins gain visibility into and can manage shadow IT at their organization by discovering Atlassian cloud products their managed users created, seeing who the administrator of these products are, and how many users have joined those products.

Why does automatic product discovery matter?

In the cloud, users can easily create new products whether or not the organization’s central admin team is aware or approves of it. This can be a scary thing for admins as it can lead to:

  • lack of cost control
  • operational complexity
  • security and compliance concerns

Automatic product discovery allows organization admins to gain consistent visibility into user-created Atlassian cloud products (shadow IT) that exist within their organization. It also helps make these shadow IT products easier to manage by connecting organization admins with the users who administer these products. By reaching out to the owners of the shadow IT, organization admins can start to:

  • mitigate billing and security concerns by removing the product(s)
  • create an IT-approved product that meets user needs
  • consolidate products and data into the organization’s official product

How it works

Atlassian will proactively send an email with the number of shadow IT products created by their managed users and what the exact shadow IT product is.

Within, organization admins can also view additional information, such as the owner of these products, how many users are in that product, and the date it was created.

To start remediation, organization admins can click on the "…" eclipses to contact the product owner.

Automatic Product Discovery screenshot
Automatic Product Discovery screenshot