
Presentation outline creation

How it works

  • Rovo Chat gives you instant insights as you work, providing real-time, company-specific information in response to your questions and prompts.
  • Highlight the following prompt text, copy it, and then paste it into Rovo Chat. Edit the specifics to meet your needs.



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Create a 60-minute keynote storyboard to captivate [audience profile] about [topic]. Use [file] and [file] as background. Ensure the talk uses professional language and tone. Include powerful opening and closing lines.


Outline a talk track for a presentation targeting [company/product] clients in the [sector] to educate them on the [solution]. Format this into a table with timestamps and add it to a new page.


Please review this [presentation] and provide me suggestions on how to improve it. Focus on overall structure, flow, and impact.

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