Finding subject-matter experts
How it works
- Rovo Chat gives you instant insights as you work, providing real-time, company-specific information in response to your questions and prompts.
- Highlight the following prompt text, copy it, and then paste it into Rovo Chat. Edit the specifics to meet your needs.
Atlassian Cloud connectors

Find the latest on [project] and describe the progress that’s been made. Include all working documents and referenced materials, what decisions have been made with key dates and timeline, and all stakeholders involved with their role.
I want to contact the person who is the subject matter expert on [topic]. Who is the best person to talk to?
I want to learn more about [topic]. Find relevant pages, Jira tickets, the top three contributors with their key contributions, and three questions to ask each of them.
Find the most updated documents on [project/product/feature], summarize the content of each document, and provide a link to each document.
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Rovo is a human-AI collaboration tool that helps teams upskill and scale.