Thousands of companies rely on Statuspage during downtime
We asked our customers how Statuspage impacts their support and operations teams
How much faster
is your incident communication?
Communication speed

Average number based on 227 responses from Statuspage owners and administrators
Has using Statuspage helped increase your
users' trust in your organization?

How many fewer support tickets do you
typically receive during downtime?

Average number based on 221 responses from Statuspage owners and administrators
Does Statuspage make your support team more efficient during incidents?

Based on 234 responses from Statuspage owners and administrators.
Does Statuspage make your operation team more efficient during incidents?

Based on 216 responses from Statuspage owners and administrators.

“Few things — if anything — are more critical than efficiently and precisely handling incident events. Statuspage makes these high-pressure situations as manageable as possible.”
“We switched to Statuspage to give customers a consistent, off-network location to stay informed as we expand our network. They deliver on two goals: updating customers quickly and reducing load on operations, infrastructure, and support teams.”