
Storyboard template

A well-constructed storyboard can map a project’s flow, interactions, and structure as you pursue your project management efforts, enhancing project collaboration and decision-making.

Make a storyboard in Confluence Whiteboards

What is a storyboard template?

A storyboard template visually depicts a project’s elements, phases, and tasks. The template helps you capture, organize, and present your creative ideas as specific elements and interactions. The resulting storyboard becomes a foundation for team collaboration and project communication.

Benefits of using a storyboard template

A storyboard template brings multiple benefits to your project management efforts. Here are some of the most significant advantages of using a storyboard template.

Promotes consistency

A storyboard template helps maintain visual consistency across all project elements. This consistency helps keep everyone on the same page and fully informed about the project’s status.

Facilitates communication

An effective storyboard template helps you clearly depict your project. The resulting storyboard provides a solid foundation for a collaborative culture and enhanced communication about your project. 

Confluence Whiteboards bring the flexibility of a digital whiteboard into your team workspace, allowing you and your colleagues to collaborate seamlessly, whether brainstorming, voting for favorite concepts, or executing required tasks.

Enhances flexibility

A well-designed storyboard template allows you to structure and organize your ideas in ways that best suit your project's needs. Confluence Whiteboards lets you break storyboard items into actionable steps for your team and convert sticky notes into Jira issues with just a few clicks.

Encourages creativity

A storyboard template can encourage creative exploration and experimentation in visual storytelling, sparking new and better ideas for your project. Confluence Whiteboards let team members add stamps and stickers to storyboards for more personalized expression.

Streamlines planning

A storyboard template helps you translate each project into a visual representation of each element and show their interconnections. This visual roadmap helps streamline the planning process. Confluence Whiteboards encourage team involvement in project planning with features such as real-time editing and voting.

Increases accessibility

A storyboard template streamlines the creation of storyboards, making it a more straightforward and consistent process accessible to creators of all skill levels. A template can provide multiple pre-configured storyboard structure elements, letting you focus more attention and energy on your content and its value. The combined features of Confluence Whiteboards and your storyboard template can help you and your colleagues create, review, modify, and share storyboards that are clear, concise, and actionable.

Use Confluence to create a storyboard

Confluence Whiteboards provide a flexible and dynamic space for idea generation and collaboration. In a connected workspace, Confluence enables teams to create, edit, and share project plans. Everyone can get on the same page and move projects forward rapidly and successfully.

Confluence doesn't limit you to basic documents. Create and collaborate your way with a rich set of interconnected tools—documents, databases, whiteboards, video, and more. Consider creating a storyboard and bring in Jira projects or work with any of your favorite products, all from within Confluence. Invite your peers to collaborate through real-time editing and inline comments so you can share your work with the company when the time is right.

Additional Confluence features help make project management more collaborative, productive, and effective for all types of teams. Here are a few examples.

  • Templates provide quick-start outlines for project kickoffs, project plans, premortems, project status reports, and more. 
  • Spaces let you organize your storyboards and other project documents into a single space to streamline knowledge capture and sharing. 
  • Real-time, multi-user editing allows team members to edit, discuss, and share feedback on storyboards and other project documents collectively and simultaneously or asynchronously, for more and better collaboration, coordination, and planning.
  • Page history lets you track changes and revisions to storyboards and project plans. 
  • Integrations link seamlessly to other Atlassian tools, such as Jira, and third-party tools to connect more workflows. 

Harness the power of your team's creativity today—make a storyboard in Confluence Whiteboards.

How to use a storyboard template

Define your purpose and concept

Define and clarify your project's objectives, and begin to form and capture the project narrative. Work with your colleagues and stakeholders to frame your project story using clear, familiar language they will likely support.

Break down the narrative

As you build your narrative, break the story into key scenes or moments. Use these to begin to visualize your storyboard.

Sketch your scenes

Translate your narrative elements into sketches that illustrate each scene within the storyboard template. Highlight any points in your narrative that require collaboration or coordination among specific constituents.

Add descriptions

As you settle on specific scene sketches, add brief descriptions or notes to each scene to provide context and guidance. Mention any specific roles required or desired for each scene.

Arrange the sequence

Arrange your scenes logically to ensure a coherent narrative flow and focus on execution. Work with your colleagues to ensure your sequence doesn’t ignore or inaccurately represent any milestones or points of potential disruption.

Review and revise

Review your storyboard to ensure it tells a clear, complete story about your project. Solicit and collect feedback and creative insights from project participants and key stakeholders. Use these to revise and improve your storyboard.

Ready to make a storyboard?