Bitbucket Cloud Premium
AI-powered development, more granular access controls, and enforced code quality and compliance at scale.

Facilitez les choses importantes avec Atlassian Intelligence
Increase developer productivity and happiness with built-in generative AI features.
Accelerate code review cycles
Automatically generate pull request descriptions based on context from code changes and commit messages.
Write faster with greater clarity
Let AI assist in editing and enhancing the tone of comments, giving reviewers time back to prioritize impactful changes.

Orchestration CI/CD au niveau de la plateforme
Give your developers time back - centrally manage CI/CD workflows so developers can focus on their code.
CI/CD governance you can set and (almost) forget
Standardized CI/CD workflows ensure teams follow consistent workflows compliant with your organization’s policies.
Flexible, intelligent workflows
Say goodbye to static .yaml pipeline configurations. Create optimized builds, smarter test execution and workflows that adapt to changes in the development environment in real-time.
Org-wide CI/CD orchestration
Empower platform teams to define and enforce company-wide policies, rules, and processes as code across every repository within the workspace, all from a single centralized location.
Garantissez la qualité du code à grande échelle
Empower your teams to work fast while maintaining code quality and security.
Contrôles de merge obligatoires
Ensure that every pull request is fully vetted by requiring users to perform checks before merging.
Org-wide custom merge checks
Set workspace-level custom merge checks so you can ensure that all teams in your org follow the same code quality policies.
Autorisations de déploiement
Configure permissions to control who can do deployments and from which branch.
Security and reliability built into every layer of the Cloud
Rest easy knowing your team’s data is always available, secure, and compliant.
Authentification à deux facteurs obligatoire (2FA)
Ajoutez une couche de sécurité supplémentaire aux comptes de votre équipe en vous assurant que vos données sont protégées même si quelqu'un obtient votre mot de passe.
Liste verte des IP
Ensure users are always interacting (view, push, clone, etc.) from an IP address that is marked as safe.
Jetons d'accès aux projets et aux espaces de travail
Scale access token management by creating tokens at the project or workspace level.
SLA de disponibilité de 99,9 %
Guaranteed uptime with financially backed with service credits.
Support Premium
Dedicated 24/7 support with quick response times to keep your systems running smoothly.
Application de la protection de la vie privée dans l'espace de travail
Protégez tout le contenu de l'espace de travail privé de votre organisation en exigeant que tous les projets et dépôts soient privés.
“The connectedness has been a huge benefit... there's Jira data right there in Bitbucket... my team members don't need to be in five different tools within a five-minute period to understand what's going on."
Erica larson, process engineer
Clearwater Analytics