Modello Brainstorming dirompente

di Atlassian

Sfida il pensiero convenzionale in un ambiente privo di giudizi.

Risoluzione dei problemi
Collaborazione tra team


Marketing e vendite
Modello Lavagna
Brainstorming dirompente

Usa questo modello per introdurre nuovi vincoli al tuo pensiero creativo in questa sessione di brainstorming frenetica e ad alta energia.

How to use the disruptive brainstorming template

Regole di base

Questo è uno spazio sicuro per condividere apertamente le idee:

  • Ascolta con una mente aperta

  • Ricorda che l'opinione di tutti è valida

  • Concentrati sulla proposizione delle idee, senza giudicarle

Step 1: Frame the problem

Set a clear topic or theme for the brainstorm.

Step 2: Brainstorm

Breakup into two teams to start. Set a timer and start brainstorming. Come up with as many ideas as possible. Nothing is off the table.
Discuss the idea in your team as you add it to see if anyone has anything to add or refine.

Step 3: Cut

Come back together as a group.
Have teams remove ideas from the opposite team’s board that may not seem achievable supportable or that don’t relate to the brainstorming objective.
Generous trimming of ideas is important to make room for new ones.
Avoid discussing what's being removed. This stops creative flow and moves into judgment.

Step 4: Disrupt

Assign new teams. Each with their own individual Disrupt card. Choose cards that relate to the theme of your brainstorm.

Step 5: Repeat

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for an additional round.

Step 6: Follow-up

With the ideas you have left assign an owner to each and investigate making the idea a reality.

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