Atlassian’s approach to platform engineering

Platform engineering is quickly becoming a standard in organizations seeking to accelerate development velocity and improve developer experiences. During this webinar we’ll talk about Atlassian’s journey to platform engineering and how we use our own tools to empower our developers.

As software engineering becomes more complex and developers are asked to shoulder an increasing amount of responsibilities, organizations are investing in platform engineering initiatives to enable their teams to run at full speed. 

Join us to learn about our own journey running platform engineering at scale within Atlassian by helping teams with reusability and resiliency of services. We’ll share the lessons we’ve learned about how platform engineering lifts the mental load on developers to empower them to build great software. We’ll also be walking through a tutorial on how Atlassian products support platform engineering teams - from managing component catalogs to readying CI/CD pipelines.

During this webinar you will learn:

  • Why platform engineering is on the rise and how it can accelerate velocity, improve developer experience, and help you save on costs
  • How Atlassian runs platform engineering at scale to help with compliance and lifting the cognitive load on developers
  • How Atlassian products can help set your platform engineering organization up for success
  • Tips on getting started and succeeding with platform engineering initiatives in your organization


Neha Goyal

Senior Engineering Manager, CloudSec, Atlassian

Neha Goyal is a Senior Engineering Manager on the CloudSec team within Atlassian Platform . Her team is dedicated to provide standardized authentication and authorization mechanisms for all Atlassian services. With a tenure of two years at Atlassian, she brings over a decade of experience in platform engineering to her current role.

Edmund Munday

Senior Product Manager, Bitbucket, Atlassian

Edmund Munday è Senior Product Manager di Bitbucket ed è entusiasta di poter consentire ai clienti di migliorare le loro pratiche DevOps con CI/CD. È cresciuto in Tasmania e ora chiama Melbourne casa. Al di fuori di Bitbucket, è probabile che inizi a parlare di politica sfruttando la sua doppia laurea in politiche pubbliche e relazioni internazionali.

Katie Silver

Principal Product Manager, Compass, Atlassian

Katie è Senior Product Manager di Compass. Lavora in Atlassian da oltre 9 anni e, prima di dedicarsi a DevOps, si occupava di analisi aziendale e di sistemi di commercio. Per Compass, dedica il suo tempo ad aiutare gli utenti a sfruttare la potenza dei dati del loro catalogo. Nella vita privata, fa volontariato nella nursery neonatale per gattini di Austin Pets Alive e trascorre il tempo libero con il suo gatto (Pepper Jack) e il suo cane (Lilo). Katie ha conseguito una laurea in matematica e studi cinematografici presso la Wesleyan University.