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- Rovo Chat geeft je direct inzicht terwijl je werkt en geeft je bedrijfsspecifieke informatie in realtime als antwoord op je vragen en prompts.
- Markeer de volgende prompttekst en kopieer en plak deze in Rovo Chat. Pas de specificaties aan zodat deze aan je vereisten voldoen.
Atlassian Cloud-connectoren

Find the latest on [project] and describe the progress that’s been made. Include all working documents and referenced materials, what decisions have been made with key dates and timeline, and all stakeholders involved with their role.
I want to contact the person who is the subject matter expert on [topic]. Who is the best person to talk to?
I want to learn more about [topic]. Find relevant pages, Jira tickets, the top three contributors with their key contributions, and three questions to ask each of them.
Find the most updated documents on [project/product/feature], summarize the content of each document, and provide a link to each document.
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Rovo is een tool voor samenwerking tussen mens en AI die teams helpt te ontwikkelen en op te schalen.