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Personal task tracker template

Keep personal tasks organized with ease.

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Task planning


Pipeline management

What is a personal task tracker template?

A personal task tracker template allows individuals to organize, prioritize, and monitor their tasks effectively.

What does the personal task tracker template include?


The Board view provides a Kanban-style visualization of your working process and the status of each task. This allows you to track, organize, and prioritize tasks across columns that represent your workflow.

Backlog screenshot


The List view sorts all your project’s work into a single list that can be quickly scanned and sorted by field. You can also use the list to add, edit, and view tasks in your project.

JWM List view


The Calendar view helps you visualize and plan work. It makes it easy to see when tasks are due and get a quick glance at the next few weeks and months.

Calendar screenshot


No matter the complexity of your processes, create customizable workflows with statuses and transitions that map to any style of work.

Workflow screenshot


Optimize agile workflows and prioritize tasks with our backlog view templates. Whether managing sprint backlogs or prioritizing user stories, these templates offer a streamlined way to plan, track, and deliver work incrementally. Keep teams aligned, adapt to changing priorities, and drive value with Jira's agile-friendly backlog view templates.

  • Sprint backlog: Our sprint backlog template helps agile teams manage sprints more effectively. Prioritize tasks, allocate resources, and track progress sprint-by-sprint, utilizing Jira's agile-friendly backlog view.
  • Scrum backlog: Streamline agile workflows and optimize task management with our Scrum backlog template. Plan, prioritize, and deliver value incrementally with Jira's flexible backlog view.
JWM List view
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Easy task management

Quickly add a task to your to-do list, and feel good as you move it across the board from to-do to done!

Time sensitive ticket

Built-in prioritization

Not all work is created equal. Sort your to-do list by priority so you can tackle your most important tasks first.


Deadline tracking

Set start dates and due dates for your tasks, then use the calendar view for a clear picture of your workload.

How to get started with the personal task tracker template

This template uses Jira to help you manage your day-to-day tasks.

1. Add your to-do items

You can choose whether to use the list, board, or calendar view to add items to your ‘to do’ list. Keep it simple or get as granular as you want with attachments, priorities, labels and more.

2. Add start and due dates

You can set start dates and due dates to your work items. This gives you visibility over work on your calendar and timeline ensuring no work slips between the cracks.

3. Prioritize and organize

You can quickly sort your to-do list by priority to help you tackle your highest priority items first and stay on top of your most important tasks.

4. Automate your work

Wherever possible, let the robots do the work. You can set up simple no-code automations to keep your work aligned, set reminders, and connect to your tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack and more.

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