AI Big Bets: From Ideas to Payout

Learn how portfolio, product, and delivery teams work better together to break down AI strategy into a buildable, no-bull reality.

AI is likely in your enterprise strategy. Maybe, AI is your enterprise strategy. At your level, you are leading part of the effort to put that rocket in orbit. Whether you assemble a portfolio plan, product idea, or a delivery team, the work is continuous and cyclical. Each week, month, or quarter, you sit in the same ceremonies and wish there were tighter ways to work together towards common objectives.

If that describes you, join our webinar to learn how Atlassian partners with enterprises to ship their AI big bets. Your launch checklist includes:

  1. The right plan and visibility at the portfolio(s) level
  2. The right ideas for teams to build
  3. The right sequence of delivery

Atlassian speakers will show how teams use Jira Align, Jira Product Discovery, and Jira Plans to unlock:

  1. Real-time visibility into the how people, work, and time are connecting strategy to execution
  2. Ideate on AI big bets and prioritize those ideas “left of the backlog”
  3. Successful work sequencing, so that a team can solve blockers and make the right tradeoffs


Andrew Kelly

Product Marketing Manager, Jira Align, Atlassian

Andrew has worked across product and marketing for seven years. His experience includes startups, enterprise, and launching new products that grow customer love. He is passionate about how ideas "make it", and the magic of collaboration.

Rhys Christian

Senior Product Manager, Jira

Rhys travaille dans la gestion de produits et la fourniture de logiciels depuis 7 ans. Il aime résoudre les problèmes et proposer des solutions utiles aux clients. Il adore skier et boire du whisky, pas en même temps.

Hermance N'Dounga

Product Manager, Jira Product Discovery, Atlassian

Hermance a rejoint Atlassian il y a 7 ans et a évolué au sein de l'équipe Atlassian Enterprise, aidant de grandes entreprises dans leur transformation digitale en tant qu'ingénieure de solutions senior. Sa passion pour la résolution de problèmes et sa profonde compréhension des besoins des clients lui ont ouvert les portes de la gestion de produits, où elle est aujourd'hui responsable produit pour Jira Product Discovery.