
Compass Pricing & Licensing


Can I trial Compass? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

You can start a free 14-day trial of Compass from our Try page. We also offer a Free plan of Compass for up to 3 full users, unlimited Basic users, and Community Support. You can compare the Free and Standard plans on our pricing page.

Already using Cloud? Site Administrators can navigate to the System Administration section of your Cloud site and add applications and/or apps as needed.

What happens at the end of my trial? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

At the end of your free trial, you will be required to enter in your billing details, and move to a paid monthly subscription. If you do not input your billing details, you will automatically be downgraded to the Compass Free plan.

If you have more than 3 full users upon downgrade, your instance will be locked until you either decrease the number of full users to 3 or less, or upgrade to Standard.

What does a Compass Standard subscription cost? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Monthly Pricing:

Number of creatorsPrice per month
1 - 100USD 8.00 /creator
101 - 250USD 7.60 /creator
251 - 1,000USD 7.20 /creator
1,001 - 2,500USD 6.80 /creator
2,501 - 5,000USD 6.40 /creator
5,001 - 7,500USD 6.20 /creator
7,501 '+USD 6.00 /creator

Annual Pricing:

Number of creatorsAnnual price
1 - 10USD 800
11 - 15USD 1,200
16 - 25USD 2,000
26 - 50USD 4,000
51 - 100USD 8,000
101 - 200USD 15,600
201 - 300USD 23,000
301 - 400USD 30,200
401 - 500USD 37,400
501 - 600USD 44,600
601 - 800USD 59,000
801 - 1,000USD 73,400
1,001 - 1,200USD 87,000
1,201 - 1,400USD 100,600
1,401 - 1,600USD 114,200
1,601 - 1,800USD 127,800
1,801 - 2,000USD 141,400
2,001 - 2,250USD 158,400
2,251 - 2,500USD 175,400
2,501 - 2,750USD 191,400
2,751 - 3,000USD 207,400
3,001 - 3,250USD 223,400
3,251 - 3,500USD 239,400
3,501 - 3,750USD 255,400
3,751 - 4,000USD 271,400
4,001 - 4,250USD 287,400
4,251 - 4,500USD 303,400
4,501 - 4,750USD 319,400
4,751 - 5,000USD 335,400
5,001 - 5,500USD 366,400
5,501 - 6,000USD 397,400
6,001 - 6,500USD 428,400
6,501 - 7,000USD 459,400
7,001 - 7,500USD 490,400
7,501 - 8,000USD 520,400
8,001 - 8,500USD 550,400
8,501 - 9,000USD 580,400
9,001 - 9,500USD 610,400
9,501 - 10,000USD 640,400
10,001 - 11,000USD 700,400
11,001 - 12,000USD 760,400
12,001 - 13,000USD 820,400
13,001 - 14,000USD 880,400
14,001 - 15,000USD 940,400
15,001 - 16,000USD 1,000,400
16,001 - 17,000USD 1,060,400
17,001 - 18,000USD 1,120,400
18,001 - 19,000USD 1,180,400
19,001 - 20,000USD 1,240,400
20,001 - 21,000USD 1,300,400
21,001 - 22,000USD 1,360,400
22,001 - 23,000USD 1,420,400
23,001 - 24,000USD 1,480,400
24,001 - 25,000USD 1,540,400
25,001 - 26,000USD 1,600,400
26,001 - 27,000USD 1,660,400
27,001 - 28,000USD 1,720,400
28,001 - 29,000USD 1,780,400
29,001 - 30,000USD 1,840,400
30,001 - 31,000USD 1,900,400
31,001 - 32,000USD 1,960,400
32,001 - 33,000USD 2,020,400
33,001 - 34,000USD 2,080,400
34,001 - 35,000USD 2,140,400

*Creators are billable, paid users in Compass who actively create and manage projects, ideas, fields, and views. Learn more about Compass pricing here.

What does a Compass Premium subscription cost? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Monthly Pricing:

Number of creatorsPrice per month
1 - 100USD 25 /creator
101 - 250USD 23.75 /creator
251 - 1,000USD 22.50 /creator
1,001 - 2,500USD 21.25 /creator
2,501 - 5,000USD 20 /creator
5,001 - 7,500USD 19.40 /creator
7,501 '+USD 18.75 /creator

Annual Pricing:

Number of creatorsAnnual price
1 - 10USD 2,500
11 - 15USD 3,750
16 - 25USD 6,250
26 - 50USD 12,500
51 - 100USD 25,000
101 - 200USD 48,750
201 - 300USD 71,900
301 - 400USD 94,400
401 - 500USD 116,900
501 - 600USD 139,400
601 - 800USD 184,400
801 - 1,000USD 229,400
1,001 - 1,200USD 271,900
1,201 - 1,400USD 314,400
1,401 - 1,600USD 356,900
1,601 - 1,800USD 399,400
1,801 - 2,000USD 441,900
2,001 - 2,250USD 495,000
2,251 - 2,500USD 548,150
2,501 - 2,750USD 598,150
2,751 - 3,000USD 648,150
3,001 - 3,250USD 698,150
3,251 - 3,500USD 748,150
3,501 - 3,750USD 798,150
3,751 - 4,000USD 848,150
4,001 - 4,250USD 898,150
4,251 - 4,500USD 948,150
4,501 - 4,750USD 998,150
4,751 - 5,000USD 1,048,150
5,001 - 5,500USD 1,145,150
5,501 - 6,000USD 1,242,150
6,001 - 6,500USD 1,339,150
6,501 - 7,000USD 1,436,150
7,001 - 7,500USD 1,533,150
7,501 - 8,000USD 1,626,900
8,001 - 8,500USD 1,720,650
8,501 - 9,000USD 1,814,400
9,001 - 9,500USD 1,908,150
9,501 - 10,000USD 2,001,900
10,001 - 11,000USD 2,189,400
11,001 - 12,000USD 2,376,900
12,001 - 13,000USD 2,564,400
13,001 - 14,000USD 2,751,900
14,001 - 15,000USD 2,939,400
15,001 - 16,000USD 3,126,900
16,001 - 17,000USD 3,314,400
17,001 - 18,000USD 3,501,900
18,001 - 19,000USD 3,689,400
19,001 - 20,000USD 3,876,900
20,001 - 21,000USD 4,064,400
21,001 - 22,000USD 4,251,900
22,001 - 23,000USD 4,439,400
23,001 - 24,000USD 4,626,900
24,001 - 25,000USD 4,814,400
25,001 - 26,000USD 5,001,900
26,001 - 27,000USD 5,189,400
27,001 - 28,000USD 5,376,900
28,001 - 29,000USD 5,564,400
29,001 - 30,000USD 5,751,900
30,001 - 31,000USD 5,939,400
31,001 - 32,000USD 6,126,900
32,001 - 33,000USD 6,314,400
33,001 - 34,000USD 6,501,900
34,001 - 35,000USD 6,689,400

*Creators are billable, paid users in Compass who actively create and manage projects, ideas, fields, and views. Learn more about Compass pricing here.

How are users licensed? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Full users are billable, paid users in Compass who have access to all features available for their site’s plan.

Basic users need a free Atlassian account. They have access to a basic set of features listed for the basic user role, regardless of their site’s plan.

You can compare full users and basic users here.

Does Compass require a subscription to Jira or Jira Service Management? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Compass is not an app, nor does it require any subscriptions to other Jira products to use. Compass is a separate product that can be used on its own, or alongside other Jira products.

I’m an existing Atlassian Cloud customer. How do I add Compass to my site? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Admins can add Compass to an existing site by:

  • Visiting > Products > Add product > select ‘Try it Now’ next to Compass in the Discover New Products screen.
  • Signing up via the Compass webpage.
I’m an existing Atlassian Cloud customer. With Compass, I now have two separate bills. Can I consolidate, or sync my payment dates? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

In February 2023, we announced a phased roll out of a new billing experience. Compass uses the new billing experience for billing and subscription management. Your other Jira and Confluence sites might be on our legacy system. While not available today, once we’ve completed the transition to the new billing experience, consolidated billing of your Cloud products will be supported.

How can I purchase or request a quote for Compass? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

You can pay for your subscription by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, or American Express). Subscriptions are currently only monthly, though we plan to offer annual subscriptions in the future.

At this time, we’re only accepting payment for Compass in US dollars. We plan to accept other currencies in the future.

What payment options are available? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

To ensure timely payment for monthly subscriptions, we're currently only able to accept payment via credit card. The card on file can be updated by the primary billing contact via at any time.

Other payment options will be supported soon.

Is Compass eligible for the Community or Academic discount? Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Yes, Community and Academic discounts are available for Compass.

I have more questions about Compass! Copy link to heading Copied! Show

Great! We can’t wait to answer them. You can learn more about Compass on the Compass webpage, in the Atlassian Community, or contact our team to speak with us directly.