
Le startup idonee possono ottenere l'edizione Premium dei nostri prodotti a 0 dollari per 12 mesi per un massimo di 50 utenti. Si applicano condizioni. Scopri di più


Pricing that fits your nonprofit’s budget

Get discounted Atlassian tools for nonprofit teams

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50 posti per 0 dollari

If you’re ready to move beyond the free license, 75% discounts on Atlassian Cloud products are available to nonprofit organizations that are:

50 posti per 0 dollari

If you’re ready to move beyond the free license, 75% discounts on Atlassian Cloud products are available to nonprofit organizations that are:

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Avviare qualsiasi progetto

Usa modelli per raccolte fondi, piani di business, analisi della concorrenza e altro ancora.

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Avviare qualsiasi progetto

Usa modelli per raccolte fondi, piani di business, analisi della concorrenza e altro ancora.

Icona del razzo

Avviare qualsiasi progetto

Usa modelli per raccolte fondi, piani di business, analisi della concorrenza e altro ancora.

Icona del razzo

Avviare qualsiasi progetto

Usa modelli per raccolte fondi, piani di business, analisi della concorrenza e altro ancora.

Need more info?

Get the answers for your most frequently asked eligibility questions.

Stars illustration
Stars illustration

50 posti per 0 dollari

Apply to verify your eligibility and receive your discounted Community License. Here’s how it’ll work.

Star illustration
Star illustration

50 posti per 0 dollari

Apply to verify your eligibility and receive your discounted Community License. Here’s how it’ll work.

Star illustration

1. Choose your products and sign up for a free plan


2. Apply for your discounted license


3. In 2-3 days, verification approved and received!


4. Discount automatically applied to your subscription and any future upgrades

50 posti per 0 dollari

While you wait for your Community License to be approved…

50 posti per 0 dollari

While you wait for your Community License to be approved…

Partners for Nonprofits

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Partners for Nonprofits

Nonprofit teams success stories

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Interested in self-managed products?

Data Center versions for select products are available for free.

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Quali prodotti ricevo?

Con Atlassian per le startup, ricevi:

  • Jira Product Discovery Standard: esplorazione e definizione delle priorità delle idee per fondatori tecnologici/responsabili di prodotto; fino a 10 posti per i creatori e posti illimitati per i collaboratori
  • Jira Premium: pianificazione sprint, sviluppo Agile, collaborazione asincrona; fino a 50 posti
  • Confluence Premium: modelli di startup (piani aziendali, concorrenza, stato salute del team, ecc.) e gestione delle conoscenze; fino a 50 posti
  • Compass: monitoraggio dello stato e delle prestazioni dei servizi, modelli software per l'onboarding dei tecnici, catalogo in base alla scalabilità dei team; fino a 50 posti per gli utenti completi e posti illimitati per gli utenti base
  • Bitbucket: pipeline SCM + CI/CD; fino a 50 posti
  • Loom: strumento di registrazione dello schermo con editing video avanzato; fino a 50 posti

L'elenco dei prodotti potrebbe variare nel tempo. I prodotti Cloud forniti nell'ambito di questo programma sono considerati «Prodotti gratuiti o beta» ai sensi della Sezione 17 dell'Accordo con il cliente Atlassian.

La mia azienda è idonea per Atlassian per le startup?

La tua azienda deve soddisfare tutti i seguenti criteri per essere idonea per Atlassian per le startup:

  • Non deve essere già un cliente a pagamento di Atlassian
  • Finanziata da VC o associata a un acceleratore partner
  • Non deve aver raccolto più di 10 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti esterni

Se la tua azienda soddisfa i criteri di cui sopra, hai diritto a richiedere Atlassian per le startup e, se la richiesta viene approvata, ricevi i prodotti Atlassian Cloud inclusi a 0 dollari per 12 mesi per un massimo di 50 utenti, ad eccezione di Jira Product Discovery, che include 10 utenti Creator gratuiti e collaboratori illimitati.

Come vengono verificate le richieste?

Il nostro team esamina ogni richiesta per confermarne l'accuratezza e l'idoneità. Se abbiamo domande sulla tua richiesta, il nostro team ti contatterà via email. È possibile che ti venga chiesto di fornire informazioni aggiuntive per verificare l'idoneità, come una prova del finanziamento (ad esempio, profilo Pitchbook o Crunchbase).

Qual è la durata del programma Atlassian per le startup?

Atlassian Cloud Subscriptions - 75% off list price

Atlassian Cloud Subscriptions - 100% off list price

  • Bitbucket Cloud - Standard
  • Atlassian Guard (enterprise-grade security and centralized administration across all your Atlassian cloud products)
Cosa devo aspettarmi alla fine del periodo di 12 mesi di Atlassian per le startup?

Prima della fine del periodo di offerta di 12 mesi, avrai la possibilità di rinnovare o annullare uno dei prodotti Atlassian per le startup che stai utilizzando in quel momento.

Cosa succede se devo aggiungere più di 50 utenti (o, in particolare, più di 10 Creator per Jira Product Discovery) prima della fine del periodo di 12 mesi?

Se devi andare oltre il massimo di 50 utenti (o, in particolare, per Jira Product Discovery, il massimo di 10 Creator), dovrai passare a una versione a pagamento dei prodotti.

  • Ad esempio, se utilizzi Confluence Premium come parte di Atlassian per le startup e desideri passare da 50 a 75 utenti, riceverai un preventivo annuale per il livello da 51 a 100 utenti per Confluence Premium.

Per domande più generali sui prezzi, ti invitiamo a esplorare il Cloud Pricing Calculator di Atlassian.

Ci sono altre risorse Atlassian utili per le startup?

Sì! Creare una startup è difficile. Non farlo da solo. Il nostro gruppo Startups nell'Atlassian Community è un ottimo posto per trovare contatti e imparare dagli altri. Entra in contatto con persone che la pensano allo stesso modo per trovare ispirazione e supporto.

Business, Employment and Professional Associations, specifically:

  • Professional Organizations & Societies - Organizations that seek to further a particular profession and the interests of individuals and organizations engaged in that profession e.g. professional associations or institutions
  • Mutual Organizations - Organizations owned exclusively by its customers/members and is run for their benefit e.g. unions, social clubs
  • Fraternities/Sororities - Associations of students that are chapters of national or international organisations, and as part of their activities they may participate in community improvement or charitable projects. Sororities, fraternities, and other honorary societies

Health & Medicine

  • Public Hospital - A hospital which is owned by the government and funded by them
  • NHS Charity Trust - NHS charity linked to a specific NHS organisation via its objects and trustees (not including charities that aim to support work of NHS)
  • Private Hospital - A hospital not owned by the government, where funding is usually by patients themselves or insurers
  • Speciality Hospitals - A hospital that provides a limited range and/or focused services to treat medical conditions that require a particular subset of skills and/or technology. e.g. eye hospital, orthopaedic hospital
  • Health insurance - Organizations that provide health and medical insurance to individuals or groups
  • Group health plans - Organizations whereby employer or a group sponsor that provide healthcare to members and their families

Law, Advocacy & Politics

We do not offer special pricing to governmental entities – all governmental entities are required to purchase commercial licenses or subscriptions. For United States Federal, State, and Local governmental entities, we work with Atlassian's Government Aggregator, Carahsoft.

  • Political Activity - Organizations that engage in the political process and actively support the success or failure of a political party/group/office/candidate
  • Governmental - A Government or Government-controlled organisation or entity. Receiving funding from Government does not equate to being a government controlled entity.


  • Place of worship - Buildings dedicated to religious worship e.g. church, synagogue, mosque
  • Religious Activity - Organizations that are faith based and communicate any religious information or beliefs, or in any way promote any religion or religious beliefs
  • Religious Institution - Organizations that exist to support and manage the practice of a specific set of religious beliefs
  • Religious Education - Organizations focused on educating people about religious beliefs
  • Religious Advocacy - Organizations focused on influencing policy within Religious and Spiritual matters

Schools, Colleges & Education

  • Administrative Offices & Boards of Education

  • Preschool, Nursery & Kindergarten - Organizations set up as separately to a formal school and that provide foundation level learning and care for children aged 0 - 5 years old
  • Primary, Elementary & K-12 School - Organizations that provide a formal education to children from 5 years old to 12 years old
  • Secondary & High School - Organizations that provide a formal education to children from beginning with the next grade following primary school, usually 12 - 18 years old
  • Higher Education - Organizations set up to provide a formal education to pupils after secondary/high school
  • Vocational and Technical School - Organization set up as specific trade high schools or vocational centers that provide formal training required to complete tasks of a particular and specific job
  • Alumni group - Organizations comprised of graduates from a specific educational institute, and they support the institute through financial support, recruiting students, or other promotional activities.
  • Parent Teacher Association - Organizations comprised of parents, and/or parents and teachers and others in the community who are involved with helping the school district with the end goal of helping better conditions for the kids attending the school(s).
  • Graduate & Professional School - Separately incorporated postsecondary educational institutions providing opportunities for people who have completed their undergraduate education to receive advanced, postgraduate training in a professional field leading to a masters degree or doctorate
  • University - A high level educational institution providing a formal education to pupils after secondary/high school, that awards academic degrees, masters and doctorates
  • Undergraduate college - Organizations that offer formal college level courses to pupils after they've conducted their secondary education and prior to postgraduate education i.e. university
  • Charter school - A school that receives government funding but operates independently of the established state school system in which it is located

Sports, Recreation & Social

  • Professional Sports - Organizations focused on supporting professional sports or sports players i.e. those that receive payment for their performance

Philanthropy, Volunteering & Grantmaking

  • Endowment Funds - An investment portfolio where the initial money is provided by donations to a foundation. These types of Funds are established to fund charitable and nonprofit institutions such as churches, hospital and universities.

Military & Veterans

  • Military Support

50 posti per 0 dollari

Atlassian aims to unleash the potential of every team, including all nonprofit teams, but not every organization may meet Atlassian’s Community License eligibility criteria.

Atlassian verifies nonprofit Community License eligibility in partnership with Goodstack, yet determines qualification for discounted licenses at its sole discretion. We reserve the right to grant or deny an individual or organization’s application for a discounted license, or to discontinue an active discounted license, at any time, for any reason, and to supplement or amend our Community License eligibility guidelines at any time.