The Rise of Agile Marketing: How to move from theory to practice

What's holding back your agility? Join us to learn how agile is helping build scalable, flexible, and resilient marketing organizations. We'll explore the rise of agile marketing and examine one company's journey putting agile into practice with Atlassian tools.

The ability to pivot quickly in an ever-evolving market is more crucial than ever for companies today. Marketing teams need to be autonomous yet connected and work at a pace that keeps them ahead of customer demands. To do this, marketing is taking a page from the software playbook and adopting agile.

Join us to learn how marketers are taking agile values and principles from theory to practice to build more scalable, flexible, and resilient marketing organizations with Atlassian tools - and how you can do the same.

This webinar will cover two key areas. First industry expert Andrea Fryrear from AgileSherpas will give an overview of the state of agile marketing. Then, we will see what an agile marketing transformation looks like in real life with M&T Bank Corporation and learn how agile and Jira have helped their teams work better and smarter together.

During this webinar you will:

  • Learn about the state of agile marketing & roadblocks to marketing agility
  • Learn how to apply agile ways of working to marketing right away.
  • Learn about M&T Bank's agile marketing transformation journey and learn their approach to scaling agile.
  • Learn how to improve collaboration, increase transparency, and drive continuous improvement with agile and Jira.


Andrea Fryrear

Andrea Fryrear è la principale autorità mondiale sul marketing Agile. In qualità di cofondatrice di AgileSherpass, dirige le attività di formazione, coaching e consulenza per le trasformazioni Agile del marketing aziendale. Ha lavorato per più di dieci anni nel settore del marketing svolgendo il ruolo di content strategist, content marketer, project manager e assistente editoriale per marchi e agenzie. Dopo aver scoperto l'approccio Agile, però, ha trasformato il suo modo di lavorare e non è più tornata indietro. Andrea ha partecipato alla realizzazione del corso ICAgile Marketing Agility e di due libri sull'agilità nel marketing: Mastering Marketing Agility e Death of a Marketer. Ha conseguito numerose certificazioni Agile.

Kelly Drozd

Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Kelly is a Product Marketer on the Jira team. She is passionate about continuous improvement and helping teams work better together. Before Atlassian, Kelly led agile adoption and transformation efforts across Marketing teams, which included scaling Jira and Confluence across 10+ business units and hundreds of users. When she is not busy telling the world about the power of Atlassian tools for teams, you can find her practicing yoga or walking her dogs around the hills of San Francisco.

Zach Meixner

Administrative Vice President, Sr. Digital Program Manager, M&T Bank

Zach vanta 20 anni di esperienza nella gestione di progetti e programmi, avendo guidato numerose attività aziendali in settori tra cui tecnologia, marketing, e-commerce, sanità, servizi finanziari, edilizia, ospitalità, comunicazioni e produzione.

Zach si occupa con passione del coaching e del mentoring dei membri del team riguardo alla gestione dei progetti e ha lavorato con numerose aziende per l'implementazione di framework Agile, processi di avvio dei progetti, procedure di tracciamento e reporting delle attività, modelli standardizzati di consegna dei progetti, controlli sullo stato dei progetti e principi lean. Zach dispone delle certificazioni Project Management Professional (PMP), Lean Six Sigma Green Belt e Professional Scrum Master.