문서 승인 스크린샷

Top-level Planning Template

Plan, track, and report on big chunks of work, such as a program or initiative.

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What is a top-level planning template?

The top-level planning template is pre-configured to help teams of teams manage large, cross-functional efforts, such as a program or initiative. With an expanded issue hierarchy and a plan that visualizes everything in one place, teams can easily track and report on work spanning multiple projects and understand how their work rolls up to the big picture.

What does the top-level planning template include?

Plan work above the epic level

In the issue hierarchy screen, you’ll noticed we’ve added an additional hierarchy level above epic, called an initiative. This allows you to structure and break down larger chunks of work in Jira. Optionally, you can rename the initiative or epic level to match any methodology, such as SAFe.

백로그 스크린샷

Coordinate org-wide initiatives

In the Plans tab, you’ll notice we’ve created a new plan. A plan provides a shared space for planning and tracking cross-functional work. To start planning, create initiatives directly in your plan and then add all the related teams and projects involved in delivering these initiatives.

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실시간 업데이트 커뮤니케이션

Jira에서 이슈가 업데이트되고 완료되면 유지 관리할 필요 없이 계획이 실시간으로 자동 업데이트됩니다. 이해 관계자에게 업데이트를 보고하려면 대상에 맞는 사용자 지정 보기를 만들거나 미리 구성된 최상위 계획 보기를 사용할 수 있습니다.

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팀이 자신의 작업이 대규모 비즈니스 이니셔티브에 어떻게 기여하는지 확인할 수 있도록 하여 팀을 정렬하고 올바른 일에 집중하도록 하세요.


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How to get started with the top-level planning template

This template uses Jira Premium to help you plan work across multiple teams and projects.

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이 템플릿으로 다음을 만듭니다.

  • A new issue level above the epic, called “initiative”

    • This allows you to group epics under an initiative and see underlying work nested within your plan.
  • 새 프로젝트

    • The project is where the initiatives you create live.
  • 새 계획

    • The plan is pre-configured with the new project as an issue source so you can see your initiatives in the plan. You can then add related projects, boards, and filters as issue sources and link underlying issues to the parent initiative.
Create an initiative

To start, create your first initiative. Think of an initiative as a big chunk of work that multiple epics contribute to. For example, if your epics are things like “Build New functionality”, “Market new features”, and “Measure impact of release”, then your initiative might be something like “iOS Design Revamp”. Create one now; you can always add more later. Learn more about initiatives.

Add issue sources to your plan

다음으로 이 계획에 기존 프로젝트, 보드 및/또는 필터를 추가하세요. 계획에서는 이것을 이슈 소스라고 합니다. 이 템플릿의 경우 회사에서 관리하는 프로젝트의 이슈를 사용하고 최소한 하나의 에픽을 포함하는 것이 좋습니다. 계획의 이슈 소스에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Link your epics to initiatives

Finally, reparent your existing epics to the new initiatives. This creates an association using the Parent field, linking the two issues. You’ll see that the initiative now shows the data from the epics contained within. This is called a roll-up; the plan infer values of parents from child issues, and they’re useful for keeping your plan up to date. As you add more epics to the initiative, the estimates and dates will update along with it. Learn more about roll-ups in Plans.

Review and save changes to your plan

Plans is a sandbox environment, meaning you need to save your changes before you’ll see them on any boards or projects outside your plan. Learn more about saving changes made in Plans.

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