The Connected Enterprise on Cloud

Watch our webinar panel featuring guest speaker Tracy Woo, Senior Analyst at Forrester. She will be speaking about cloud trends and the value of cloud alongside customer panelists from Clearwater Analytics and Sun Life. These panelists will discuss the positive impact of migrating their self-managed versions of Jira Software, Confluence, and Jira Service Management to the Atlassian Cloud. This migration has resulted in more connected teams, technology, and data across their organizations.

Learn from Atlassian customers Erica Larson, Process Engineer from Clearwater Analytics, and Cynthia Brind'Amour, Technical Product Owner from Sun Life, as they discuss their migrations to the Cloud and how they have benefited from new cloud capabilities that have facilitated improved connectivity and collaboration across the enterprise.

Together, they’ll discuss:

  • Why they made the business case for a cloud migration
  • How they managed the change across the organization
  • Which new features and functionality they’ve found to be most impactful in improving the connection between teams
  • What the impact has been to date

After this discussion, attendees asked their top questions and had them answered by the panelists during the open Q&A session.


Tracy Woo

Senior Analyst, Forrester

Tracy leads Forrester’s research initiatives in cloud management, high-performance computing (HPC), and industry-specific cloud solutions. Her areas of specialization include cloud cost management, cloud skills, the establishment of a cloud center of excellence (CCoE), and public cloud pricing structures. Tracy consistently provides strategic advice to Forrester’s enterprise and vendor clientele, helping them navigate cloud cost dynamics and structure effective cloud-centric organizations. Throughout her tenure at Forrester, Tracy's insights have been recognized and featured in prominent media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, and Tech Target.

Erica Larson

Process Engineer, Clearwater Analytics

Erica has over five years of experience working with Atlassian server, Data Center, and cloud products across two different companies. She has worked in multiple departments, ensuring that teams take full advantage of these cloud offerings. In 2022, she spearheaded Clearwater Analytics' transition from Data Center to the Atlassian Cloud. Erica's extensive hands-on experience covers a wide array of tasks related to Atlassian Cloud Migration. Notably, she led migrations of tools like Bitbucket, Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence for a significant number of Clearwater teams. Additionally, she built a total cost of ownership analysis for transitioning Atlassian tools and played a key role in realizing organizational improvements based on employee feedback, which drove increased connection across the organization and business outcomes.

Cynthia Brind’Amour

Technical Product Owner for Confluence Cloud, Sun Life

Sun Life에서 23년 재직 기간 중, Cynthia는 12년 이상을 주로 KM 관련 역할을 맡았으며 지식 관리 컨설턴트 및 Confluence의 수석 촉진자로서 대규모 KM 이니셔티브를 이끌었습니다.Cynthia는 Confluence를 사용하여 적합한 사람들에게 올바른 지식을 전달하는 지식 관리(KM) 솔루션을 설계하는 일을 담당했습니다.이 KM 도구가 Sun Life의 여러 영역의 기본 모듈이 되었습니다.  현재 PO로서 그녀는 Confluence Cloud를 사용하여 팀이 강력한 분류법과 견고한 사이트 탐색을 구축하도록 돕고 긍정적인 사용자 경험이 있는 wireframes을 팀에 제공하는 일을 계속하고 있습니다.또한 Lunch and Learns를 진행하여 팀이 보다 효율적으로 협업하고 콘텐츠를 만들 수 있도록 하는 Confluence의 모든 기능을 선보입니다. ​Cynthia는 그동안 퍼실리테이션, 커리큘럼 설계, 프로세스 엔지니어링, 절차/기술 문서 작성, 웹 코딩 및 인력 관리 등의 업무를 맡았습니다. 14년 이상 Confluence Cloud와 Data Center에서 일해왔으며 오늘날에도 자신의 도구와 이 도구가 팀을 지원하는 방법에 대해 여전히 열정적입니다.