Opsgenie's Post Incident Analysis Report

View a demonstration of the Post Incident Analysis Report and learn how to leverage post incident analysis to improve how your teams respond to downtime.

This webinar covers:

  • Tips for analyzing the good and the bad
  • Ideas for developing and drilling into post incident reports
  • Tactics for communicating incident details with staleholders


Emel Dogrusoz

Head of Product, Opsgenie

Emel Dogrusoz is the Head of Product for Opsgenie, Atlassian’s on-call and incident management product. Having worked with dev and ops teams for years, Emel has focused on building products that make the lifes of these teams easier. She’s committed to learning more and spreading the word about building resilient systems.

Shaun Pinney

Sr Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Shaun jest starszym menedżerem ds. marketingu produktów w zespole Jira Service Management firmy Atlassian. Wcześniej pełnił funkcje związane z marketingiem i bezpośrednią obsługą klientów w firmach technologicznych, takich jak HubSpot, Backupify, Datto i Opsgenie. Jeśli akurat nie prowadzi webinariów, można go spotkać jeżdżącego rowerem po lasach Nowej Anglii.