
Atlassian Supplier

Register as an Atlassian Supplier

Enroll with Coupa

As a new Atlassian supplier, you will receive an email invitation from Coupa to register for the Coupa Supplier Portal in order to link Atlassian to your user profile.

Step 1

In the Coupa invitation email from do_not_reply@
, click the Join and Respond button located at the bottom to register for the Coupa Supplier Portal.

Atlassian Profile Information Request Action Required email

Step 2

Once directed to Coupa Supplier Portal, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Department - Department you belong to (if none applies, please select Other)
  • Role - Your role with the company (if none applies, please select Other)
  • Password - Create a secure password for your account.

Review and accept the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use by ticking the checkbox.

Click Submit

Coupa Supplier Portal directed from action required email

Step 3

Once registration is done, you will be automatically directed to the supplier form.

The supplier form is based on your Company’s business domicile.

See forms for other locations Copy link to heading Copied! Show+
USA form

Step 4

Provide details on the following:

  • Company’s full legal entity name - The name used in the legal entity name field on your tax forms. 
  • Country
  • Street address
  • City
  • State region (if applicable)
  • Postal code
Supplier response form USA based vendors

Step 5

Under the primary contact section, provide details on the following:

  • First name 
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Work phone
  • Atlassian Contact Person is an Atlassian employee whom you are coordinating with for the purchase of your goods or services.
Supplier response form for USA based vendors

Step 6

Denote Related Party

If the supplier has a less-than-arms-length relationship with anyone at Atlassian recognized as a related party, please select yes. 

A *related party means any person who is or was an executive officer, director or nominee for director of Atlassian, any shareholder owning more than 5% of any class of the company's voting securities, or an Immediate Family Member of any such person.

Atlassian Profile Information Request Action Required email

Step 7

Provide details on the following:

  • Remittance Email ID - Email address where payment confirmation and remittance advice will be sent to.
  • PO Email - Email address where a copy of the executed PO will be sent to
Coupa Supplier Portal directed from action required email

Step 8

In the Tax Data fields*, provide your tax identification number and attach necessary tax documents. 

The payment instruction can also be attached.

See forms for other locations Copy link to heading Copied! Show+
Required attachments Copy link to heading Copied! Show+

US based suppliers, please attach form W-9.

Non-US based individuals/entities transacting with Atlassian US Inc, Atlassian Network Services Inc and Atlassian PTY, please attach one of the following applicable tax forms.

  • W-8BEN - form which is applicable to foreign individuals and sole proprietors who earn money or income from U.S. sources
  • W-8BEN-E - form which is applicable to foreign entities who earn money or income from U.S. sources
  • Form 8233 - form which is applicable to non U.S. citizen claiming tax treaty exemption from income taxes for income received for services provided as an independent contractor

Philippines based suppliers, please attach 2303 form, sample copy of Sales Invoice (SI)/Invoice with Authority to Print (ATP) Receipt Number and Authority to Print (ATP) Certificate.

Supplier Inclusion Data Form

Step 9A

In the Remit-to Address Section, click Add Remit-To button

Remit-to Address Section

Step 9B

A pop-up box will appear, click Cancel

A pop-up box after clicking the click Add Remit-To button on the Supplier response on Coupa Supplier

Step 9C

In the Remit-to Address Section, populate the required fields with your banking details.

Click Submit for Approval.

The form will not be submitted if any of the required fields are left blank. Coupa will highlight the missing fields in red. 

See Remit-To Address forms for other locations Copy link to heading Copied! Show+
Remit-To Address Form

Step 10

When all the required fields have been filled out and the form is submitted for approval, the status of the form will be changed to “Pending Approval” as displayed at the top of the form.

Pending Approval status on your customer profile Coupa Supplier

Step 11

In case you notice an error on the form and wish to correct it, click the Withdraw button at the bottom of the form.

Coupa Supplier Portal Remit-To Address form Withdraw button

Step 12

A pop-up box will appear, click OK

The supplier form will be open again for editing. 

Make the necessary changes and click Submit for approval once again.

Pop-up box: The page at says: Withdraw SIM** Supplier response form for USA based vendors(Domestic)_v4?

Already a supplier but did not receive a registration link?

As part of our goal to provide easier access to your account information, we request all our suppliers (even existing ones) to register for Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP).  You will be able to manage your company information, submit invoice electronically, and check payment status all through CSP.  

If you did not receive a Coupa Supplier Invitation email to complete the CSP registration, please send an update request to Accounts Payable Service Desk.

Step 1

The CSP invitation is initiated by the Accounts Payable team, and the registered contact person that we have on file will receive the invitation email from

Step 2

In the Coupa invitation email, click Join and Respond.

Atlassian Profile Information Request- Action required email

Step 3

Once directed to Coupa Supplier Portal, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Department - Department you belong to (if none applies, please select Other)
  • Role - Your role with the company (if none applies, please select Other)
  • Nominate your own password and confirm the password

Review and accept the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use by ticking the checkbox

Click Submit

Coupa Supplier Portal

Step 4

Once registration is complete, go to the Profile menu and click Your Customer Profiles.

Find the Profile drop down menu at the top right hand corner and choose Atlassian to link your account.

Making a customer profile under the profile tab on Coupa Supplier Portal

Step 5

The supplier form will pull up the account information that we have on file. Please review and edit as needed then submit the updated form for approval.   

If no changes are needed, please leave the form as it is.

The supplier form will display with your account information we have on file.

Our team is here to help

Up Next
Update your information