Optimize your Atlassian tools: Strategies to drive lasting adoption

Discover why it’s important to consider the people side of change as much as the technical side, and the value of cultivating long-term adoption of Atlassian cloud products. Whether you’re contemplating a migration to cloud, in the midst of a migration, or already using cloud tools; this session equips you with resources and strategies to empower your users to do their best work.

In the midst of planning a cloud migration, an incredible amount of focus is placed on the technical changes. However, to realize the full value of a cloud migration, it’s important to remember a successful change is dependent on the people involved and their willingness to embrace and adopt the change.

Join us for one of our most popular sessions from Team ‘23 to learn about the importance of organizational change management and strategies to do it well. In this live recording from Team '23, Global Head of Customer Success, Gertie Rizzo and Head of Product, Enterprise Adoption & Readiness, Sarah Joshi, will cover:

  • The importance of the people side of change when rolling out any change project
  • Strategies and tools you can use to drive successful user adoption of Atlassian cloud products
  • How to leverage usage data in Atlassian Administration to better understand end user adoption patterns
  • Why you should build a network of product champions who can help propel your change plan forward and engage inactive users


Gertie Rizzo

Global Head of Customer Success

Gertie Rizzo 是 Atlassian 的客户成功主管,领导着一支由客户成功经理和数字客户成功营销活动经理组成的全球团队,该团队致力于帮助客户优化对 Atlassian Cloud 产品的投资价值。Gertie 拥有 25 年的服务行业经验,还在领先的全球客户成功团队工作了 4 年,积累了丰富的从业经历。她在佛罗里达州坦帕市工作。

Sarah Joshi

Head of Cloud Shift & Enterprise Adoption, Atlassian

Sarah Joshi 是 Atlassian 的企业采用和云转变主管,领导着团队致力于帮助企业客户在其组织内加速采用 Atlassian Cloud 产品。Sarah 在为各种规模的团队开发软件方面拥有 14 年的产品管理和客户宣传经验。Sarah 还是经过认证的 Prosci 采用与变更管理培训师和顾问,曾为五大洲的团队提供培训。她在华盛顿州西雅图工作。