Assess & accelerate: De-risk your complex cloud migration

Discover how strategic assessments can lay the groundwork for a successful migration plan, allowing you to proactively identify potential risks and optimize your migration process, enabling your teams to reap the rewards of cloud sooner! We'll share valuable insights, resources, and expert recommendations to ensure your shift to cloud starts with confidence and clarity.

Join our team of cloud migration experts as we explore the pivotal first step of any migration project: evaluating your on-premises data landscape.

We’ll cover:

  • Getting started on your cloud transformation
  • The full assessment process, including:
    • Creating your personalized Cloud Blueprint or tenant map
    • Our recommended approach to assessing applications
    • Resources and support to help you effectively kick off your journey to cloud


Mark Lang

Senior Strategic Engagement Manager, Atlassian

Mark 是 Atlassian 的高级战略项目经理,拥有 8 年的 Jira 和 Confluence 管理员经验。在作为客户积累了几年的迁移经验后,他加入了 Atlassian,帮助其他企业客户完成云之旅。Mark 热衷于利用数据推动转型决策,从而改善客户对 Atlassian 产品的体验。

Ali BenCafu

Product Manager, Atlassian

Ali 是 Atlassian 云迁移产品团队的产品经理,领导迁移评估工具集的开发工作。评估使企业客户能够根据数据做出迁移决策,从而充分利用迁移到我们的云产品的优势。 
Ali 热衷于创造大规模的影响力,他发现了实现这一激情的途径,即通过构建产品使企业能够利用数据来进行大规模转型,改善员工的工作方式。在过去的 6 年中,他一直在构建企业解决方案,以便跨系统移动和处理大规模数据,实现这种转型。

Casey Chatman

Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Casey 是 Atlassian 企业和迁移团队的产品营销经理,负责为企业客户的云之旅提供支持。怀着对助力客户取得成功的热情,她加入了团队,帮助客户推动团队工作和协作方式的持久变革。目前,她致力于帮助企业在迁移的早期阶段做出数据驱动型决策,以降低潜在风险并加速实现云的价值。在不考虑走向市场战略的时候,您可以在她的陶轮旁看到她满身泥巴的样子。