Team ‘24 Recap: Atlassian System of Work

Join Atlassian’s DACH solutions engineering team as they recap the highlights of Team '24 for our customers in EMEA.

Join Atlassian’s DACH Solutions Engineering Team as they recap the highlights of Team '24 for our customers in EMEA. These experts will summarise key announcements for the EMEA market and introduce the Atlassian System of Work, powered by our Teamwork Graph and two decades of insights into high-performing teams.In this on-demand session we'll explore:

  • How to connect work from mission to results, enhance team collaboration, and boost efficiencies with Atlassian System of Work
  • How to get the most out of Generative AI to make work more efficient
  • Atlassian's latest Generative AI-based tool, Rovo, which helps find information across SaaS apps and brings teams up to speed
  • How Atlassian is evolving to meet the latest security and compliance standards
  • Other exciting product announcements from Team '24!


Carina Zweygart

Senior Pre-Sales Solutions Engineer, Atlassian

作为高级解决方案工程师,Carina Zweygart 擅长帮助复杂的企业客户推动 Cloud 的采用。她对 Atlassian 解决方案的深刻了解能够帮助企业提高敏捷性并成功实现目标。

Phillip Kuchem

Senior Pre-Sales Solutions Engineer, Atlassian

Phillip Kuchem 是 Atlassian 经验丰富的高级解决方案工程师,拥有十多年的技术行业经验。在他的职业生涯中,Phillip 在帮助大型企业客户实现其目标方面发挥了重要作用。他的专长是指导这些组织完成重大业务转型,利用他对技术解决方案的深刻理解来推动成功。

Sascha Wiswedel

Senior Pre-Sales Solutions Engineer, Atlassian

作为 Atlassian 的高级解决方案工程师,Sascha Wiswedel 帮助企业客户开启 Cloud 之旅并采用高效的工作方式。他的工作重点是安全性、合规性和数据保护。