Unpacking the new Atlassian global navigation experience

Kristin Perchal, Senior Product Manager, has been leading the charge to update Atlassian’s navigation. Join the webinar to learn more about key experience changes, benefits of a more modern navigation, and get a sneak peak at the new UI before general release.


Kristin Perchal

Senior Group Product Manager for Jira Core Experiences, Atlassian

Kristin 是 Jira Core 体验部的高级群组产品经理。她负责 Atlassian 旗舰产品 Jira 的产品战略、路线图和愿景。在加入 Atlassian 之前,Kristin 曾在 Amazon、Xero 和 Zip Co 担任产品领导职位。她来自美国,现居住在墨尔本。