Fewer meetings, faster projects with Loom and Jira

Learn more about how you can use Loom and Jira together to reduce meetings, achieve better collaboration, and launch projects faster.

Today, many teams are distributed, making hybrid work the new normal. Join this webinar to learn more about how you can use Loom and Jira together to reduce meetings, achieve better asynchronous collaboration, and launch projects faster.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to simultaneously use Jira for project management with Loom to bring clarity and personality to working on a distributed team
  • Examples of Loom and Jira working together, including new integrations
  • Inspiration for new team practices and rituals to improve collaboration and efficiency

Not familiar with Loom or Jira? Loom is the leading video communication tool for work, and Jira is your team's project management tool to track, deliver, and report on work – all in one place.


Liz Novak

Loom Customer Success Manager, Atlassian

Liz Novak 是位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 Atlassian 公司的一位专职客户成功经理,她负责主持研讨会,并使客户能够掌握 Loom 的方方面面。作为远程工作的倡导者,她帮助了众多团队充分发挥异步视频通信的潜能,在推动客户成功方面也发挥了关键作用。现在,作为 Atlassian 套件研发工作的一员,她很高兴能为协作能力和工作效率提升工具不断发展的格局做出贡献。在闲暇时间,她喜欢尽可能地去听现场音乐,还有带着狗狗 Gandalf 和 Noodle 到城里逛逛。

Ben Payne

Product Manager, Atlassian

Ben Payne 是位于澳大利亚悉尼的 Atlassian 公司的一位产品经理。Ben 之前曾从事 Jira Work Management 的相关工作,在此期间,他打造了许多提高可用性和改进配置的功能。现在,作为 Loom 加入 Atlassian 套件研发工作的一员,他负责领导集成工作,确保 Atlassian 能够将 Loom 无缝融入他们的工作流,以帮助他们提高工作效率。在闲暇时间,他喜欢和朋友一起玩游戏、跑步,以及阅读震撼人心的名篇佳作。