Migrate off your legacy CI/CD onto Bitbucket Pipelines

There is DevOps tooling fatigue. Too many tools, too much complexity, operational overhead and distraction for developers. Companies are increasingly prioritizing the chance to consolidate tools where the opportunity exists. Join us to learn how Bitbucket Pipelines can help you orchestrate your software delivery journey along with steps you can take to migrate off your legacy CI/CD onto Bitbucket Pipelines.

Many organizations delay migrating off their legacy CI/CD systems due to a variety of factors such as competing priorities, perceived complexity, inertia and more. But with an increased focus on cost savings and productivity across industries, more organizations are making the switch to consolidate and simplify their DevOps workflows. During this webinar we’ll demo the advantages of Bitbucket Pipelines and talk about steps you can take to approach switching off your legacy CI/CD with live Q&A.

During this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How consolidating DevOps workflows on Atlassian can help you accelerate velocity, improve your developer experience, and reduce costs
  • Tips and considerations for getting started with a new CI/CD tool
  • Concepts in different CI/CD tools and how you can approach an actual migration to Pipelines off your legacy CI/CD
  • How Atlassian can help you improve CI/CD governance across your organization


Edmund Munday

Senior Product Manager, Bitbucket, Atlassian

Edmund Munday 是 Bitbucket 的高级产品经理,他热衷于通过 CI/CD 来帮助客户改进 DevOps 实践。他在塔斯马尼亚长大,现在定居墨尔本。由于他拥有公共政策和国际关系专业的双学位,因此在 Bitbucket 的工作之外,他可能会热情地与您讨论政府话题。

Josh Frank

Product Marketing Director, Atlassian

Josh 是 Atlassian 开发人员解决方案团队的产品营销总监。他热衷于帮助软件开发团队充分发挥潜力。在向全世界介绍 Atlassian 最新、最棒的产品之余,他喜欢骑自行车穿越湾区的山丘。