Moving van

How to ensure a smooth migration to Data Center

Product-specific tips and best practices to help you plan for some of the biggest challenges of migrating your instance to a clustered architecture.

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Executive Summary

For teams that require high availability, instant scalability, and performance under a high load, deploying Data Center products in a clustered architecture is a compelling option. When taking this path, success means establishing a thorough plan and executing on that plan. From instance consolidation to backing up your data to nuanced aspects of infrastructure requirements, these product-specific data sheets will highlight best practices that can help inform your migration plans.

With each respective data sheet, you’ll learn:
Jira Software icon

How to clean up Jira Software ahead of instance consolidation

Confluence icon

How to plan ahead with Confluence backups and space imports

Bitbucket icon

How to optimize your Elasticsearch instance for a Bitbucket migration