
von Atlassian

Identifiziere und schließe Geschäftslücken in deiner strategischen Planung.

Wichtige Features


Marketing und Vertrieb
Finanzen und Operations

Verwende diese Vorlage zur Lückenanalyse, um Lücken in Geschäfts- oder Projektstrategien zu identifizieren und zu schließen.

What is a gap analysis template?

A gap analysis template is a document that includes everything you need to cover in your gap analysis. Using a suitable template can help you better understand how you’re performing, what you can improve on, and what changes you need to make to close the gap between your current state and where you want to be. It streamlines the analysis process, allowing you to spend less time analyzing and more time taking action while ensuring all key areas are covered.

By integrating detailed analysis, marketing research, and risk assessment, this template simplifies performance evaluation and highlights areas for improvement, market trends, and potential risks, leading to a clear path from your current position to your goals.

Related Templates



Anhand dieser Vorlage kannst du die Leistung deines Unternehmens beurteilen und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten finden.

von Atlassian
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Action plan

Action plan

Outline tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities to streamline project management.

von Atlassian
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Anhand dieser Vorlage kannst du die Leistung deines Unternehmens beurteilen und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten finden.

von Atlassian
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Action plan

Action plan

Outline tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities to streamline project management.

von Atlassian
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Root cause analysis

Root cause analysis

Determine the root cause of an issue so you can correct it and prevent it from happening again.

von Atlassian
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