Deep dive: State of developer experience report 2024

Learn more about Atlassian’s latest research into developer experience, productivity, and role satisfaction in the age of AI.

Atlassian and DX’s State of Developer Experience report launched earlier this year, offering many surprising insights from both the developer and engineering manager perspectives. While our 2,100 survey respondents see the importance of developer experience for role satisfaction and productivity, developers and leaders aren’t always in alignment on what needs to be improved.

This webinar takes a closer look at the findings, from lost developer time to the causes of friction and misalignment, and discusses what leaders and developers can do to work toward a better developer experience, together.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • What the financial impact is when leaders don’t understand developer experience
  • Why there’s a disconnect between developers and leaders and how to bridge the gap
  • How development teams are using AI and why it doesn’t improve productivity overnight


Andrew Boyagi

Head of DevOps Evangelism at Atlassian

Andrew leitet den Bereich DevOps Evangelism bei Atlassian und verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Softwareauslieferung und Servicemanagement in Großunternehmen. Er weiß aufgrund seiner praktischen Erfahrung, wie Teams und Unternehmen die Vorteile von DevOps optimal für sich nutzen können.
Bevor er zu Atlassian kam, war Andrew Executive Manager bei der Commonwealth Bank of Australia, wo er eine Abteilung für Plattformtechnik aufbaute und ausbaute, die 7.000 Techniker unterstützte. Andrew hat einen MBA von der Southern Cross University.

Abi Noda

Co-Founder and CEO, DX

Abi is a programmer and researcher focused on helping leaders measure and improve developer productivity. He is currently the CEO of DX, an engineering intelligence platform designed by leading researchers.

Jennifer Riggins

Tech Journalist, The New Stack

Jennifer is a culture side of tech storyteller, journalist, writer, and event and podcast host, helping to share the stories where culture and technology collide and to translate the impact of the tech we are building.