How Metalab Makes Remote Work Human with Loom

Metalab has been a fully distributed company for more than 18 years — well ahead of the trend. This means their teams excel at collaboration across time zones with both internal team members and clients. Leaders from the Product, Design, and Engineering teams from Metalab will share best practices for building a team culture and productive async work habits at a high level, then narrow in on specific ways their teams use Loom video to collaborate in the day-to-day.

We’ll cover:

  • The basics of introducing Loom video into daily collaboration to reduce meetings
  • Loom for Product Management teams, including practical tips for sharing status updates, streamlining documentation, gathering feedback, and partnering with engineers
  • Loom for Design teams, including working with clients and providing clear feedback


Rach Currie

Product Management Director, Metalab

Rachel Currie is a Product Management Director at Metalab.

Thary Chhom

Design Lead, Metalab

Thary Chhom is a Design Lead at Metalab with experience across marketing, design and technology industries.

Anna Cox

Engineering Director, Metalab

Anna Cox is an Engineering Director with Metalab who believes collaboration is key to delivering value and shipping top-notch products.

Sasha Rappaport

Senior Customer Success Manager, Loom

Sasha Rappaport es responsable de satisfacción del cliente en Loom y Atlassian. Es defensor del trabajo asíncrono y remoto con experiencia en el diseño centrado en las personas y la transformación digital para organizaciones sin fines de lucro.