アイス ブレーカーでコラボレーションに最適な雰囲気を作り出しましょう。
アトラシアンのアイス ブレーカー テンプレートを使えば、ミーティングを活性化し、チームのコミュニケーションを促進できます。コラボレーションの雰囲気作りに最適です。
Add in a sticky with your name, or better - a photo of yourself - to introduce yourselves to each other.
Pick your favorite ice-breaker question. Our favorite is your favorite travel destination, but feel free to get creative!
Next up, share a fun fact about yourself that others may not know. You’d be surprised what you learn about your teammates!
Each team member poses a question to the team that can be answered on a agree / disagree scale. For example, “pineapples on a pizza?”.
For the final round, create a team mood-board your feelings on the past present and future. Think about what you want for the future and what you need in the present to make that happen!