Lean Portfolio Management for the agile enterprise

Learn how you can lead your organization's shift from top-down, annual prioritization and budgeting practices to a more lean-agile approach to managing your portfolio. The conversation will be lead by LPM expert, Deema Dajani of Scaled Agile Inc., and Atlassian’s EMEA Jira Align Solutions lead, Shane McGuire.

Portfolio management is not a new practice; organizations have always prioritized work, allocated budgets, and governed investments. But as companies simultaneously scale their teams while navigating dynamic markets, portfolio managers need a new approach to balancing resources with the need to deliver constant customer value.

Enter Lean Portfolio Management (LPM), evolved from SAFe©, and one of the core competencies of the Lean Enterprise.

In this webinar you will learn how portfolio managers are implementing LPM, the three common challenges they encounter, and how to address them:

  • Disconnected strategy across products and and how to align teams around a common goal
  • Project overload, a result of top-heavy annual planning, and how to plan work around demand
  • Low visibility into portfolio performance and how to increase transparency


Deema Dajani

Transformation Advisor and SAFe® Program Consultant Trainer, Scaled Agile Inc.

Deema Dajani draws on her background in startups and an MBA from Kellogg to help large established institutions create the environment to shape disruption with business agility. Starting her Agile journey in the early 2000s, she has played various roles from product manager, to Director of Strategy, to pre-IPO turnaround leader.  Deema transitioned to management advisory where she led some of the largest transformations to business agility and lean portfolio management in the Financial Services and Insurance sector.  She also is a co-founder of the Women in Agile, a non-profit organization focused on breaking barriers and inclusivity in the agile community.

Shane McGuire

Lead for Jira Align Solutions, EMEA

オペレーションの効率化、新製品の市場投入時間の短縮、イノベーションに費やす時間の増加を実現する変更プログラムの実装を可能にするソフトウェア ソリューションやプロフェッショナル サービスへの投資について、組織を支援している。ソフトウェア エンジニアリングを皮切りに、製品開発、コンサルティング、ソリューション アーキテクチャ、ライン管理の役職を歴任し、キャリアの大半はプリセールス コンサルティングで活躍してきた。銀行、保険、エンジニアリング、ソフトウェア、小売の分野での直接的な経験を持つ。EMEA Channel の Jira Align Solutions リーダーとして、アトラシアンのパートナーと協力し、リーン、カンバン、アジャイル、大規模アジャイル手法を使用してお客様のプロセス改善を支援している。