Your guide to Atlassian Cloud Enterprise
It can be difficult to select and design your teams and tooling so your organization can be adaptable. The solution: Atlassian Cloud Enterprise.
Cloud Enterprise means gaining access to dynamic scale, comprehensive data protection, and intuitive analytics for better decision-making.
With increasingly complex technology stacks, globally distributed teams, and significant requirements for everything from security to uptime, enterprises are constantly faced with new challenges.
It can be difficult to select and design your teams and tooling so your organization can be adaptable. The solution: Atlassian Cloud Enterprise.
Join us for an overview of our Atlassian Cloud Enterprise offering. In Cloud Enterprise, your organization gains access to dynamic scale, comprehensive data protection, and intuitive analytics for better decision-making.
Ben Jackson
Group Product Manager, Atlassian
Ben Jackson は 2019 年にアトラシアンに入社し、スタートアップから大規模組織における製品管理の分野で 20 年以上の経験を積みました。現在は、データ・エクスペリエンスのグループ・プロダクト・マネージャーであり、過去 3 年間、Atlassian Data Lake の作成、Atlassian Analytics のローンチと一般発売に至るデータ戦略を推進してきました。
Griffin Jones
Product Manager, Atlassian
Vikki Ulmer
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian