Why now is the knowledge management moment
How much time does your organization waste crossing informational silos and repeating work that’s already been done? And how much is that waste hurting your bottom line?
Join this webinar to learn why the answer may be ‘more than you think,’ and what you can do
about it.
Atlassian research shows that the average worker spends 25% of their week searching for information, and 50% of knowledge workers have unknowingly worked on duplicate projects. Altogether, these inefficiencies lead to almost 2.5 billion hours wasted each year.
The numbers are clear: organizations need a new approach to knowledge management, fast.
In this fireside chat, teamwork expert and bestselling author Liz Fosslien alongside guest speaker principal Forrester analyst Julie Mohr will discuss why now is the knowledge management moment. Drawing from Atlassian’s 2025 State of Teams report and The Forrester Wave™: Knowledge Management Solutions, Q4 2024, they’ll cover:
- Why so many enterprises struggle to get knowledge management right
- Why Generative AI has revolutionized the knowledge management landscape
- Tips for overcoming common barriers to effective knowledge sharing and usage
Julie Mohr
Guest Speaker, Principal Analyst, Forrester
Julie Mohr serves IT service management (ITSM) and enterprise service management (ESM) professionals, supporting the transformation of IT operations into forward-thinking, customer-centric, results-driven service organizations. Her research includes platform teams, knowledge management and generative AI, service portfolio/catalog management, incident/problem management and the service desk, automation and self-service, change management, measurement and OKRs, and industry frameworks. Julie’s research also integrates the intangibles to infrastructure and operations (I&O) success, including capacity building, organizational change, culture, experience, and collaboration.
Liz Fosslien
Head of Team Anywhere Storytelling, Atlassian
Liz Fosslien は、仕事の改善方法に関する専門家であり、全米でベストセラーとなった『Big Feelings』、およびウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルのベストセラー『No Hard Feelings』の共著者兼イラストレーターです。また、アトラシアンの Team Anywhere でマーケティング リーダーを務めています。
彼女は、職場で感情を効果的に活用する方法について、基調講演やインタラクティブなワークショップを定期的に開催しています。Google、NPR、アメリカ空軍といった組織での講演経験があり、彼女の作品は TED、ニューヨーク タイムズ、The Economist で特集されました。