How Product Operations can find the right balance between autonomy and consistency

In this session, Sr. Product Manager, Hermance N’Dounga, will pull from her team’s real-world experience to share how product operations can be the critical bridge between product teams and their stakeholders. Using Jira Product Discovery, Hermance will show how product operations can empower product teams with the autonomy they need, while driving consistent, scalable frameworks that ensure success across the organization.

Product Operations is the critical bridge between product teams and their stakeholders. In this role, they need to give product teams the autonomy to do work their way, while at the same time providing a consistent framework for the organization to consume and understand what product teams are working on. No easy feat!

In this session, Sr. Product Manager, Hermance N’Dounga, will pull from her real-world experience on the Jira Product Discovery team to share approaches to standardization conversations that have worked for them. She’ll show you how to:

  • Establish a common language across your team to gain a shared understanding of work
  • Implement consistent visualizations across teams so the work that matters most bubbles to the top
  • Lead the way in adopting a product model across your organization

This session will include real-world examples in Jira Product Discovery, and, at the end of the session, Hermance will take live Q&A.


Hermance N'Dounga

Senior Product Manager, Atlassian

7 年前のアトラシアン入社以降、Atlassian エンタープライズ チームで実績を積み、シニア ソリューション エンジニアとして大企業のデジタル変革を支援しました。その問題解決への熱意と顧客のニーズに対する深い理解から、製品管理への道を進み、現在は Jira Product Discovery のプロダクト マネージャーを務めています。