Track your services with Jira and Compass

Join this webinar and learn how how software services are automatically populated and tracked in Jira using components from Compass, Atlassian’s new developer experience platform. Learn how to use Compass components on your site and use Compass data to help your teams make informed decisions about where to invest their time.

Compass is Atlassian’s developer experience platform that brings disconnected information and teams together in one place. With Compass, engineers can track all of their services and systems, improve software health and engineering standards through scorecards and metrics, automate consistency through software templates, and ultimately create a better developer experience.

We’re excited to announce that the Compass software component catalog is now available directly within Jira so engineering teams can kickstart their developer experience initiatives and reduce context switching.

In this webinar, Katie Silver, Senior Product Manager, shows:

  • Introduction to Compass, Atlassian’s new developer experience platform
  • How your Jira teams can use Compass to improve software delivery
  • Live demo with key use cases to help you populated, track, and manage the health of your services

If you’re not able to attend, feel free to register and we’ll send you a recording after the session.


Katie Silver

Principal Product Manager, Compass, Atlassian

Katie は Compass のシニア・プロダクト・マネージャーです。9 年以上にわたりアトラシアンに在籍し、DevOps を担当する前はビジネス分析や商業システムの分野で働いていました。Compass では、ユーザーがカタログ・データの力を解き放つことができるようサポートをしています。仕事以外では、生まれたばかりの子猫の保育施設 Austin Pets Alive でボランティアをしています。また、飼い猫(Pepper Jack)と犬(Lilo)と一緒に過ごしています。Katie は、ウェズリアン大学で数学と映画学の学士号を取得しています。