Unlock your transformation to the product operating model
The product operating model is revolutionizing product management and changing the way companies operate. Join this webinar to learn about what the product operating model is, why it’s a game-changer for positioning companies towards long-term success, and most importantly how your team can make the shift.
You’ve likely heard of "digital transformation.” But what about the powerful shift that’s revolutionizing product management? Enter the "product operating model."
The product operating model can fundamentally transform the way your company operates to be more customer-centric, pushing teams to understanding challenges and develop solutions to address them. This isn’t just a passing trend—it’s critical for businesses aiming for long-term success.
Join Product Management Evangelist, Axel Sooriah, to learn what the product operating model is and how you can make the shift. You’ll learn how to
- Collaborate with the rest of the organization to identify new areas of value
- Build strategy based on customer insights and expected outcomes
- Prioritize work using tested frameworks and methodologies
- Engage the rest of the team and communicate plans and decisions
Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with our expert team through a live chat Q&A during the session.
Not able to join live? No problem. Register anyway and we’ll email you a copy of the recording.
Axel Sooriah
Product Management Evangelist, Atlassian
Axel はアトラシアンでプロダクト マネジメントのエバンジェリストとして、チームが Jira Product Discovery を使って新しい働き方を見つけるサポートをしています。以前は、Contentsquare、Openclassrooms、Welcome to the Jungle などの企業で、最先端のプロダクト マネジメントのプラクティスをチームに指導していました。その前は、11:FS、Verisure、Barclays などの企業でプロダクト リーダーシップの役割を担っていました。
Axel は食通として有名で、シェフのキャリアを追求するためにほとんどすべてを犠牲にしようとしましたが、次善の選択肢として Axel’s Bento に投資することに決めました。