Atlassian + MYOB on managing cross-team agile programs

Looking for inspiration on how to plan and track work across multiple agile teams and programs? Looking to increase visibility into progress on company initiatives? Join a delivery manager from MYOB, a leading SaaS provider of business management software in Australia and New Zealand, to learn how they use Plans, Jira’s advanced planning feature (formerly known as Advanced Roadmaps), to help them manage, track, and bring alignment to a program with dozens of agile teams and over 150 people.

In MYOB’s largest business unit there are over 150 people on agile teams working towards several of the company’s most important goals. As with most agile companies, they needed a way to empower teams to move fast while staying aligned on common goals, increasing transparency, and communicating progress to leadership teams and across their business. Join us to hear how MYOB’s delivery manager, Pratik Patil, rolled out Plans to do just that. The Atlassian team will also be there to show a quick demo of Plans and do live Q&A.  

During this webinar you will:

  • Learn how MYOB plans and tracks work across over a dozen agile teams 
  • Learn how MYOB increased transparency and visibility across their business with Plans
  • Hear how MYOB scaled up Plans in their org by starting with a pilot program
  • Get tips from MYOB’s Delivery Manager, Pratik Patil, on how to be successful with Plans
  • See a demo of Plans in action, with some new key features
  • Have the opportunity to ask questions to Pratik and the Atlassian team


Pratik Patil

Delivery Manager, MYOB

Pratik is a delivery leader with 15 years of experience working in agile software development. In his current role he is responsible for end to end delivery across multiple agile teams. Prior to working at MYOB, Pratik spent 8 years at REA Group working on a broad range of agile projects and before that he did  delivery consulting for over 5 years at Synechron. He is passionate about building high performing teams and solving complex customer problems.

Josh Frank

Product Marketing Director, Atlassian

Josh는 Atlassian의 개발자 솔루션 팀의 제품 마케팅 디렉터입니다. 소프트웨어 개발 팀이 잠재력을 최대한 발휘할 수 있도록 돕는 데 열정적입니다. 개발자를 위한 최고의 최신 Atlassian 제품에 대해 전 세계에 알리지 않을 때는 주로 베이 지역 언덕에서 자전거를 타는 것을 즐깁니다.

Peter Morris

Product Management Team Lead

Pete는 Atlassian에서 약 4년 동안 다양한 역할을 맡았지만, 언제나 Jira 제품을 담당했습니다. Jira Software Cloud Premium의 Advanced Roadmaps 배포를 담당한 팀원 중 하나로, 이제 Atlassian의 모든 계획 환경의 관리를 지원하고 있습니다. 시드니에서 나고 자란 그는 활동적이고 야외 활동을 좋아한다고 말하고 다니지만 사실은 소파를 사랑하며 앉아 있기를 즐깁니다.