Everything you learned about CI/CD is wrong
Join this webinar to learn how to avoid the common CI/CD pitfalls and unlock high performance across your team.
You know CI/CD is important because you hear developers talk about it all the time. But you're not quite sure how to improve these practices or (let’s be honest) what exactly this whole thing is all about. If that sounds familiar, this session is for you!
Join Antonia and Ian for an insightful CI/CD talk that feels more like a training session. While nearly every software team has a CI server, many are skipping important practices that are key to unlocking performance. Let's step back to explore the conceptual underpinnings of CI/CD, and then see how to bring it to life with Atlassian tools. We'll examine key practices like:
- Detection – Safety begins with finding errors before they become problems
- Delivery – Measure progress in terms of delivering working software
- Communication – Quality and improvement as everyone's responsibility
Don’t miss this chance to learn the fundamentals of this critical aspect of software development.
Antonia Verdi
Technical Training Specialist
Antonia Verdi is a Technical Training Specialist at Atlassian, where she trains onboards new and existing customer-facing Atlassians on the Atlassian tool suite. Previously Antonia worked as an Atlassian Product Advocate, where she shared technical expertise and business solution-driven best practices with valuators and Pre-Evaluators of Atlassian’s tools, and discussed how these tools fit into the adoption of greater practices like DevOps and Agile. Antonia is a certified scrum master who specializes in Jira Software, Bitbucket and Bamboo and loves helping others become better at what they do.
Antonia joined the world of tech after graduating Sarah Lawrence College and moving to Austin, TX. Little known facts about Antonia: she enjoys drumming, built an app that helps musicians find gigs, and is a first degree black belt in taekwondo.
Ian Buchanan
Principal Partner Engineer, Open DevOps
Ian은 Java와 .NET 모두에 대한 폭 넓은 경험을 보유하고 있으며 대기업에서 애자일 방식의 전문가로 알려져 있습니다. 현재 그는 새롭게 부상하는 DevOps 문화와 지속적인 통합, 지속적인 제공 및 데이터 분석을 가능하게 하는 도구에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 자신의 경력에서 그는 라이프사이클의 모든 단계에서 엔터프라이즈 소프트웨어 개발 도구를 성공적으로 관리했습니다. 그는 생산성 개선과 탁월한 품질, 향상된 고객 만족으로 조직 차원의 프로세스를 개선했습니다. 그는 자체적인 방향과 자생적인 조직을 중시하는 다국적 팀을 구성했습니다. 언급하거나 코딩하지 않아도 Ian이 파서, 메타 프로그래밍 및 도메인별 언어를 열정으로 채우는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. @devpartisan로 Ian을 팔로우하세요.