Agendashift and Atlassian: Finding solutions from outcomes
In this joint webinar with Agendashift, we’ll share techniques, tips, and processes you can use to organize around strategy in a way that drives execution and builds alignment across your organization.
In this joint webinar with Agendashift, we’ll share techniques, tips, and processes you can use to organize around strategy in a way that drives execution and builds alignment across your organization.
The discussion will include:
- The relationships between strategy, outcomes, and work being done
- How to shift conversations from outputs to outcomes and agreements
- Common mistakes when managing strategy and outcomes and how to avoid them
Mike Burrows
Founder, Agendashift
Kyle Byrd
Senior Product Manager, Jira Align, Atlassian
Jeff Keyes
Head of Product Marketing, Enterprise Agility, Atlassian
Jeff Keyes 是 Atlassian 的产品营销和企业级敏捷主管,他领导着一个由企业级敏捷解决方案营销人员和传播者组成的团队。
Jeff 是一位经验丰富的高管,几乎参与了软件开发生命周期的各个方面,包括开发、架构、产品管理、开发管理、应用程交付和咨询,他将自己在 Microsoft 以及在初创公司的打拼和工作经验带到 Atlassian。Jeff 是一位充满激情的企业级敏捷传播者,曾帮助许多组织从瀑布式方法过渡到持续交付方法。
Jeff 是价值流管理联盟(Value Stream Management Consortium)的创始人和董事会成员之一,Atlassian 是该联盟的新晋企业成员。Jeff 还曾被提名为 的2019 年最佳传播者。