How Trello Can Save Your Team 7,500+ Hours A Week

According to a 2020 study by Automation Everywhere, the average office worker spends over three hours a day completing time-consuming, repetitive tasks—from sending stakeholders project updates to dealing with data entry. That means if you have at least 500 employees working at your company, they’re collectively wasting 7,500+ hours during a typical workweek. These alarming figures highlight just how critical it has become for enterprise decision-makers to find simple, savvy ways to automate their internal processes.


Victor Dronov

Principal Product Manager, Trello Enterprise

Victor 是 Trello Enterprise 的首席 PM,为使用 Trello 进行大规模协作的管理员和最终用户推动产品改进。在 Trello 之前,他曾在 Atlassian 推动 Statuspage 的产品改进。工作之外,他喜欢漫步内华达山脉,或者整理他的西部风格帽子收藏。

Zach Marcoulier

Enterprise Advocate, Trello Enterprise

Zach 是 Trello Enterprise 销售团队的一员,负责与 Trello 客户合作,以更好地了解 Trello 如何将他们的团队提升到一个新水平。工作之外,Zach 喜欢练习巴西柔术并参加比赛,去当地的餐馆打卡,或者热情地为他喜欢的波士顿运动队加油。

Erika Storli

Product Marketing Manager, Trello Enterprise

Erika is part of the Trello Product Marketing team, eager to empower teams to manage their work in the most productive and collaborative ways on Trello Enterprise. Outside of work, you can find her exploring new cities and going on long walks with her adopted dog Benji.