For enterprises that want to unblock wall-to-wall teamwork

Atlassian Together is here! Join this event for a dynamic discussion with thought leaders from Atlassian and Reddit to learn more about what’s possible when you unblock wall-to-wall teamwork. You don’t want to miss this!

Wall-to-wall teamwork and seamless collaboration between business and tech teams are elusive concepts for most enterprise organizations. Why? Because teams often operate on completely different platforms, utilizing disparate and disconnected tools. These work and app silos make cross-company teamwork difficult (and expensive). For Atlassian customers like Reddit, solving this challenge--bringing business and tech teams together--is paramount to a secure and prosperous future. Reddit has seen the potential to do exactly that with a new solution offering from Atlassian called, Together.

Atlassian Together gives enterprise customers the opportunity to break down work and app silos and extend collaboration between teams, wall-to-wall--while saving a bunch of money in the process. In this 1-hour simulcast, you’ll hear from Team Reddit and their experience of why solving this challenge is so important for them and what their experience has been so far. Please join us for this special discussion and learn more about what Atlassian Together can do for your enterprise.


Sean Joerg

Sr. Director of IT

在过去 15 年中,Sean 的职业生涯是打造引领各种 IT 职能的高增长/高影响力技术团队。他目前在 Reddit 领导 IT 部门,侧重于完善整体企业技术职能,同时使那里的团队能够向世界各地的 Reddit 用户提供专注于社区的精彩对话和内容。在加入 Reddit 之前,Sean 曾在 Postmates(被优步收购)和 Flexport 领导 IT 部门;在此之前,他曾在 Twitter、Akamai Technologies 和 Apple 管理各种 IT 职能。

Meg Christolini

Head of Product, Work Management Solution Ecosystem

Meg 是 Atlassian Work Management Solution 生态系统的产品主管。她负责监督 Work Management Cloud 产品的集成战略,包括 Confluence、Jira、Trello 和 Atlas。Meg 曾在企业服务管理公司 Sparkcentral 担任产品副总裁,之后多年在 Salesforce 担任各种产品领导职务。

Mark Cruth

Modern Work Evangelist, Atlassian

Mark Cruth 是 Atlassian 的常驻现代工作合作伙伴。Mark 对实践的专注超出理论,他将大量时间用于指导 Atlassian 和客户团队学习新的工作方式,然后分享他在世界各地的事件中学到的东西。

Mark 于 2019 年加入 Atlassian,带来了他在波音、Nordstrom、TD Ameritrade 和 Rocket Mortgage 等公司工作试验和帮助人员、团队和组织转型方面十多年的经验。Mark 的使命是将现代工作方式、转型思维和合作伙伴讲故事的力量注入到他所做的一切工作中。

Alex Sakaguchi

Head of Solutions Marketing, Work Management

Alex 是 Atlassian Work Management 解决方案营销团队的负责人。在加入 Atlassian 之前,他过去十年的大部分时间都在组建各种解决方案营销团队,这些团队帮助科技公司向客户讲述更大、更有意义的案例。Alex 专门研究信息传递策略,经常跨团队工作,在各个重要时刻,包括团队和职场生活等事件,实现公司的价值主张。