Cross-team agility and collaboration at Lumen with Jira

Maintaining a competitive edge in any industry today requires agility and alignment across the entire organization. Join this webinar to learn how Lumen’s software development and business teams move fast while staying connected with Jira.

Scaling agile practices to keep pace with customer needs and stay ahead of the competition involves teams of teams working on a unified front. However, the process often uncovers silos keeping teams in the dark and disparate tools impeding coordination.

At Lumen, agile collaboration spans 100s of teams. How did they do it? As Lumen scaled, its teams relied on Jira to stay aligned on big picture goals and plan cross-functional deliverables, all in accordance with their own ways of working. Software development teams track issues from one sprint to the next in software projects, while their cross-functional partners track tasks in business projects. Everyone’s work is brought into a shared plan in Jira, where timelines and deliverables are mapped to important dates, dependencies, and capacity.

Join Rob Mulvaney, Sr. Manager - Agile Transformation Office at Lumen, and Atlassian’s Jira experts in this webinar to learn:

  • Common challenges to scaling agile across teams of teams
  • How Jira’s advanced planning capabilities (formerly known as Advanced Roadmaps) enable cross-team agility and a first look at its newest features
  • How Lumen visualizes software and business projects in Jira to plan and track cross-functional work
  • Tips and resources for getting started with Jira’s advanced planning capabilities

If you’re not able to attend, feel free to register and we’ll send you a recording right after the session.


Robert Mulvaney

Sr. Manager - Agile Transformation Office at Lumen

Lumen 战略规划和转型组织中以服务为中心、以绩效为导向的高级经理。在支持 Lumen 采用 SAFe 和部署 Atlassian Cloud 产品(Jira、Confluence、Jira Service Management)方面,是一位极具吸引力且卓有成效的领导者。拥有丰富的经验,能够治理和参与各业务部门的承接和能力管理模型。监督 Lumen 的敏捷转型应用和工作方式,包括面向 7000 个 Atlassian 用户的支持模式、多云环境和开发路线图。

Carol Jang

Product Marketing Manager, Jira

Carol Jang 是 Jira Software 产品营销经理。她不仅热衷于讲故事和寻找新创意渠道,还致力于扩大跨团队敏捷开发业务。

Abby Stiris

Product Marketing Manager, Jira

Abby 热衷于帮助团队将工作效率提升到新的水平。作为 Jira 的产品营销经理,她负责制作内容、提出问题并寻找节省团队时间的新方法。