6 common mistakes to avoid in your agile transformation

In this webinar, we’ll share common mistakes in any large-scale agile transformation and how to avoid them. You’ll come away with practical advice on how to assess your agile maturity, clarify your transformation’s value drivers, and start aligning work to strategy in your existing agile tools.

Agile transformations are complex, multidimensional initiatives. They involve changing people, practices, and tools to improve collaboration and a company’s ability to execute against its strategy. The road to company-wide agility can be treacherous, but the journey is worth the reward.

In this webinar, we’ll share the top 6 mistakes in any large-scale agile transformation and how to avoid them. You’ll come away with practical advice on how to:

  • Assess your agile maturity and set realistic objectives
  • Create clarity on the value drivers of your agile transformation
  • Thoughtfully assess frameworks for scaling agile
  • Start mapping work to strategy and vice versa


Jessica Piikkila

Solutions Architect, Jira Align

Jessica Piikkila 从事敏捷转型业务已超过 10 年,深深扎根于跨多个行业和能力的产品管理和敏捷指导。敏捷的心态使她度过了生活中艰难的个人挑战,并培养了她对学习的热爱。您将看到她与我们的客户一起破译企业敏捷性的密码。

Rich Sparks

Solutions Architect, Jira Align

Rich Sparks 是 Jira Align 的解决方案架构师,他与各种公司合作,帮助这些公司使用缩放敏捷方法,实现预期业务目标。在加入 Atlassian 之前,Rich 在企业软件领域拥有 30 多年的经验,曾担任过各种开发、架构和集成以及管理职位。

Shana Rusonis

Product Marketing Lead, Agile at Scale

Shana is a Product Marketing Team Lead for Atlassian, where she works on go-to-market and positioning for Atlassian's agile at scale solution. She has worked in technology her entire career, on everything from conferences to technology research and digital experimentation. She’s passionate about software products that drive transformational change and enable teams do their best work together.