Lightning Talk: The economic impact of Atlassian work management

Join us for a conversation with Enterprise Strategy Group about the benefits, cost savings, and the positive impact that Atlassian’s work management solution can have on your organization.

Are you an organizations that increasingly grapples with collaboration hurdles – frequent interruptions, dozens of disparate tools, information silos across each team and distributed workforces across time zones. You are not alone.

That’s why Atlassian recently commissioned a report with TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to dive into the impact and benefits that customers saw after adopting a unified work management system. ESG found that organizations using Atlassian’s work management solution saw:

  • a 25% reduction in the length of projects
  • a 50% drop in time spent searching for information
  • an increase in project success from 57% to 75%
  • and much more!

Join us for a fireside chat between ESG and Atlassian as we walk through the current challenges for organizations, key findings from the report, and customer stories highlighting the impact of a work management system.


Nathan McAfee

Senior Economic Validation Analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group

Nathan McAfee, a senior economic analyst for Enterprise Strategy Group, has over 24 years of experience helping companies understand and quantify the impact of change. In addition to leading analyses that study business value, he has trained sales forces throughout the world to help them better understand the entire flow of the decision-making process and how to present ROI metrics to all levels of stakeholders. Nathan has developed and delivered multiple value-selling training programs and specializes in helping companies measure the cost of inactivity as well as the benefits of change.

Mark Cruth

Modern Work Evangelist, Atlassian

Mark Cruth é o especialista em trabalho moderno residente da Atlassian. Focado na prática e não na teoria, Mark passa os dias treinando equipes da Atlassian e de clientes sobre novas formas de trabalhar e compartilhando o que aprendeu em eventos ao redor do mundo.

Quando se juntou à Atlassian em 2019, Mark trouxe mais de uma década de experiência fazendo experimentações com o trabalho e ajudando pessoas, equipes e empresas a se transformarem em lugares como Boeing, Nordstrom, TD Ameritrade e Rocket Mortgage. Mark assumiu como missão aplicar formas modernas de trabalhar, uma mentalidade de transformação e o poder de contar histórias em tudo o que ele faz.

Sendhil Jayachandran

Head of Work Management Product Marketing, Atlassian

Sendhil Jayachandran leads product marketing for Atlassian’s Work Management business unit. Previously, he held CMO roles at both Observe.AI and xMatters, leading both companies through key phases of growth. His 20 years of marketing and product leadership experience spans innovative startups along with global enterprises including Salesforce and Dell. He holds a MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a BS in Computer Science from UCLA.