The Art of Product Storytelling: Building the Right Thing

In this era of KPIs, metrics, and data-driven decision-making, it is tempting to look to data for your next great product idea. But this will only take you so far. What you really need to do is find your product’s story, and this is what will help lead you to your next great feature idea.

Join this session with Atlassian’s Modern Work Coach, Mark Cruth, to learn about the secret to true product success: storytelling. Mark will show you how stories can be used to solve customer problems and align teams around a product strategy using real-world, practical examples from his 15 years of experience coaching product teams around developing compelling visions, prioritizing features, and making informed product decisions.

You’ll walk away from this session knowing how to:

  • Harness storytelling to craft product narratives that deeply resonate with your customer base
  • Apply practices from the Atlassian Team Playbook to translate your narrative into tangible action items
  • Utilize tools to expedite and amplify the impact of your story throughout your organization


Mark Cruth

Modern Work Evangelist, Atlassian

Mark Cruth é o especialista em trabalho moderno residente da Atlassian. Focado na prática e não na teoria, Mark passa os dias treinando equipes da Atlassian e de clientes sobre novas formas de trabalhar e compartilhando o que aprendeu em eventos ao redor do mundo.

Quando se juntou à Atlassian em 2019, Mark trouxe mais de uma década de experiência fazendo experimentações com o trabalho e ajudando pessoas, equipes e empresas a se transformarem em lugares como Boeing, Nordstrom, TD Ameritrade e Rocket Mortgage. Mark assumiu como missão aplicar formas modernas de trabalhar, uma mentalidade de transformação e o poder de contar histórias em tudo o que ele faz.