3 emerging trends in incident management

In this session, you will learn how IT and DevOps teams are transforming the way they work to respond to incidents from a position of strength. By embracing ChatOps, response automation, and wide-area incident communication, organizations are drastically reducing Mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR) while building trust with their most valued customers.


Shaun Pinney

Sr Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Shaun ist Senior Product Marketing Manager im Jira Service Management-Team von Atlassian und hat zuvor bei Technologieunternehmen wie HubSpot, Backupify, Datto und Opsgenie im Marketing und in der Kundenbetreuung gearbeitet. Wenn er keine Webinare leitet, fährt er gern auf seinem Mountainbike durch die Wälder von New England.