
Product-Specific Terms for Opsgenie

These Product-Specific Terms apply to subscriptions of any edition of Opsgenie pursuant to Customer’s Atlassian Subscription Agreement (or preceding form of agreement into which these Product-Specific Terms are incorporated) (“Agreement”). Capitalized terms used but not defined in these Product-Specific Terms have the meanings set out in the Agreement.

1. Contracting Party. Opsgenie, Inc. is the contracting party for Opsgenie and is deemed “Atlassian” for purposes of these Product-Specific Terms.

2. Documentation. The Documentation for Opsgenie is currently located at

3. Service Level Agreement. The following service level agreement applies to Opsgenie:

4. Trial Period. Opsgenie is made available to Customer at no cost for a fourteen (14) day period, commencing from the date of activation on the Opsgenie website (“Trial Term”). During the Trial Term, Opsgenie is provided to Customer as a Free and Beta Product. For purposes of these Product-Specific Terms, any other trial periods or return rights (including for initial Orders) and associated refund rights do not apply.

5. Intended Use. Opsgenie is not intended for providing alerts on disaster scenarios or any other situations directly related to health or safety, including but not limited to acts of terrorism, natural disasters, or emergency responses, and Customer will not use Opsgenie for any such purposes.

6. Removing Users. If Customer wishes to reduce the number of Users for the next renewal of Customer’s Subscription Term, Customer may do so by submitting a new Order at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of such renewal. Customer may also reduce the number of Users within a current Subscription Term, however Customer will not be entitled to a refund or credit of any fees paid for such Users during such Subscription Term.

7. Return of Customer Data. Upon termination or expiration of the Agreement, Customer may request in writing within thirty (30) days of such termination or expiration that Atlassian makes Customer Data stored in Opsgenie available to Customer. Following such request, Atlassian will make such Customer Data available to Customer within a reasonable period of time, at Customer’s sole cost and expense, in a standard, generally recognized electronic file or format. Atlassian has no obligation to maintain Customer Data after such thirty (30) day period.

8. Opsgenie-Specific Policies and Terms. The following additional terms apply to Opsgenie:

a. All references to “Support and Services Policy” means Sections 5 and 6 of the OpsGenie Service Level Agreement and System Support Plan, currently located at, as applicable to Customer’s Opsgenie subscription.

b. All references to “Security Practices” or “Security Measures” means the security practices described in the Opsgenie Security Controls, currently located at


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