Learn about Jira Software & Confluence Cloud Premium

Is your team ready to grow even more agile and scale its output? Join this webinar to learn how Jira Software & Confluence Cloud Premium can accelerate your team’s progress with advanced features and insights.

Scaling organizations face loads of challenges–from complex teamwork to slower decision-making and manual processes. But with these issues come opportunities for innovation and business expansion.

Join our product team as they demonstrate new features to save your team time and level up the entire organization with strategic insights. We’ll also give you an exclusive look at features on our roadmap.

Go deeper on:

  • Seeing the big picture with Advanced roadmaps in Jira
  • Keeping your team focused on high-impact activities with global automation
  • Adding your extended team to Confluence with external collaboration
  • Reporting with analytics and using advanced admin controls for improved security and troubleshooting


Peter Morris

Product Management Team Lead

アトラシアンに入社してから 4 年近く、さまざまな役職を経験。そのすべてが Jira 製品に関連している。Jira Software Cloud Premium で Advanced Roadmaps を立ち上げたチームの一員であり、現在はすべてのプランニング経験の管理を支援している。生まれも育ちもシドニーなので、アクティブなアウトドア派だと言いたいところだが、実はソファを愛するインドア派。

Hilary Dubin

Product Lead, Confluence Cloud Editions

Hilary is a Product Manager on Confluence Premium. She's customer obsessed and is passionate about supporting teams of all shapes and sizes. Outside of Premium, she is a champion of inclusion (specifically in meetings) and bringing more women into tech. She studied Cognitive Science and Consumer Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and she loves food, skiing, surfing, and playing with other people's dogs.

Josh Frank

Product Marketing Director, Atlassian

Josh 氏はアトラシアンの開発者ソリューション チームにおけるプロダクト マーケティング担当者だ。ソフトウェア開発チームが潜在能力を最大限に発揮できるよう支援することに情熱を注いでいる。開発者向けの最新かつ最高のアトラシアン製品ついて世界に発信しているとき以外は、ベイエリアの丘をサイクリングしている。